[CLOSED] Need help with MVC Line Chart with Dynamic Data

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] Need help with MVC Line Chart with Dynamic Data

    I'm trying to create a chart with dynamic data.

    My data consists of products and countries where a product has a different price in each country. I can have any n number of countries or n number of products.

    In the Ext.Net MVC example the data is mapped to a static field (ie: Data1, Data2).

    How do I properly create the data model for a Line Chart in MVC to display my dynamic data?

    Below is my code.

    Thank you,


    Raw Data

    Product    Country    Price
    A    USA    100
    A    Canada    70
    A    Mexico    50
    B    USA    25
    B    Canada    20
    B    Mexico    5
    Crosstab Data

    Product    USA    Canada    Mexico
    A    100    70    50
    B    25    20    5
    Data Model

    namespace SomeSite.DTOs
        public class ChartDataDTO
            public string SeriesName { get; set; } // Product
            public string DataName { get; set; } // Country
            public double DataValue { get; set; } // Product Price 

    @model List<SomeSite.DTOs.ChartDataDTO>
        var X = Html.X();
        private Ext.Net.Model getChartModel()
            var chartModel = new Ext.Net.Model();
            chartModel.Fields.Add(new ModelField() { Name = "SeriesName" });
            var distinctCountries = Model.GroupBy(g => new { g.DataName }).ToList();
            foreach (var country in distinctCountries)
                chartModel.Fields.Add(new ModelField { Name = country.Key.DataName });
            return chartModel;
        private string[] getNumericFields()
            var countriesData = new List<string>();
            foreach (var modelData in Model)
            return countriesData.ToArray();
        private List<LineSeries> getLineSeries()
            var lineSeriesList = new List<LineSeries>();
            foreach(var modelData in Model)
                var lineSeries = new LineSeries();
                var xFields = new List<string>();
                var yFields = new List<string>();
                lineSeries.Axis = Position.Left;
                lineSeries.XField = xFields.ToArray();
                lineSeries.YField = yFields.ToArray();
                lineSeries.HighlightConfig = new SpriteAttributes { Size = 7, Radius = 7 };
                lineSeries.MarkerConfig = new SpriteAttributes { Type = SpriteType.Cross, Size = 4, Radius = 4, StrokeWidth = 0 };
            return lineSeriesList;
            .Title("Line Chart")
                        .Text("Reload Data")
                        .Text("Save Chart")
                            .Title("Scenario Data")
                                .Odd(new SpriteAttributes { Opacity = 1, Fill = "#ddd", Stroke = "#bbb", StrokeWidth = 0.5 })
    Last edited by Daniil; Aug 27, 2013 at 4:58 AM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2
    Hi @PriceRightHTML5team,

    Please post a controller action as well. With data for testing.
  3. #3
    here is code from the controller that provides data

            public ActionResult Results()
                var chartDataList = getMockChartData();
                return View(chartDataList );
            public List<ChartDataDTO> getMockChartData()
                var chartDataList = new List<ChartDataDTO>();
                // Product A
                chartDataList.Add(new ChartDataDTO { SeriesName = "ProductA", DataName = "USA", DataValue = 100 });
                chartDataList.Add(new ChartDataDTO { SeriesName = "ProductA", DataName = "Canada", DataValue = 70 });
                chartDataList.Add(new ChartDataDTO { SeriesName = "ProductA", DataName = "Mexico", DataValue = 50 });
                // Product B
                chartDataList.Add(new ChartDataDTO { SeriesName = "ProductB", DataName = "USA", DataValue = 25 });
                chartDataList.Add(new ChartDataDTO { SeriesName = "ProductB", DataName = "Canada", DataValue = 20 });
                chartDataList.Add(new ChartDataDTO { SeriesName = "ProductB", DataName = "Mexico", DataValue = 5 });
                return chartDataList();
  4. #4
    Thank you.

    I am a bit confused that you picked up a LineSeries. Do you you need a ColumnSeries?

    If I understand the requirement correctly, you need something like this.

    @model List<object>
        var X = Html.X();
        private Ext.Net.Model getChartModel()
            var chartModel = new Ext.Net.Model();
            chartModel.Fields.Add(new ModelField() { Name = "ProductName" });
            chartModel.Fields.Add(new ModelField() { Name = "DataValueUSA" });
            chartModel.Fields.Add(new ModelField() { Name = "DataValueCanada" });
            chartModel.Fields.Add(new ModelField() { Name = "DataValueMexico" });
            return chartModel;
        private string[] getNumericFields()
            return new string[] { "DataValueUSA", "DataValueCanada", "DataValueMexico" };
        private ColumnSeries getColumnSeries()
            var columnSeries = new ColumnSeries();
            columnSeries.Axis = Position.Left;
            columnSeries.XField = new string[] { "ProductName" };
            columnSeries.YField = new string[] { "DataValueUSA", "DataValueCanada", "DataValueMexico" };
            return columnSeries;
    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Ext.Net.MVC v2 Example</title>
                    .Title("Scenario Data")
    public ActionResult Index()
        var chartDataList = getMockChartData();
        return View(chartDataList);
    public List<object> getMockChartData()
        var chartDataList = new List<object>();
        chartDataList.Add(new { ProductName = "ProductA", DataValueUSA = 100, DataValueCanada = 70, DataValueMexico = 50 });
        chartDataList.Add(new { ProductName = "ProductB", DataValueUSA = 25, DataValueCanada = 20, DataValueMexico = 5 });
        return chartDataList;

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