[CLOSED] How to get a handle on the Toolbar Refresh button on the client?

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] How to get a handle on the Toolbar Refresh button on the client?


    Whereas in 1.7 one could just obtain a reference to the Refresh button by simply using the property name:

    var refresh=PagingToolbar1.refresh;
    this convenience is no longer available in 2.2. It can be accomplished through a mundane iteration like below but I'm curious if there's a smarter way of achieving the same out there. Please let me know if more info is needed.

        var refresh=null;
        for (var i = 0; i < PagingToolbar1.getPagingItems().length; i++) {
            var itemId = PagingToolbar1.getPagingItems()[i].itemId;
            if (itemId && itemId == "refresh") {
    <%@ Page Language="C#" %>
    <%@ Register Assembly="Ext.Net" Namespace="Ext.Net" TagPrefix="ext" %>
    <script runat="server">
        private object[] TestData
                var now = DateTime.Now;
                return new object[]
                    new object[] { "3m Co", 71.72, 0.02, 0.03, now },
                    new object[] { "Alcoa Inc", 29.01, 0.42, 1.47, now },
                    new object[] { "Altria Group Inc", 83.81, 0.28, 0.34, now },
                    new object[] { "American Express Company", 52.55, 0.01, 0.02, now },
                    new object[] { "American International Group, Inc.", 64.13, 0.31, 0.49, now },
                    new object[] { "AT&T Inc.", 31.61, -0.48, -1.54, now },
                    new object[] { "Boeing Co.", 75.43, 0.53, 0.71, now },
                    new object[] { "Caterpillar Inc.", 67.27, 0.92, 1.39, now },
                    new object[] { "Citigroup, Inc.", 49.37, 0.02, 0.04, now },
                    new object[] { "E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company", 40.48, 0.51, 1.28, now },
                    new object[] { "Exxon Mobil Corp", 68.1, -0.43, -0.64, now },
                    new object[] { "General Electric Company", 34.14, -0.08, -0.23, now },
                    new object[] { "Government Motors Corporation", 30.27, 1.09, 3.74, now },
                    new object[] { "Hewlett-Packard Co.", 36.53, -0.03, -0.08, now },
                    new object[] { "Honeywell Intl Inc", 38.77, 0.05, 0.13, now },
                    new object[] { "Intel Corporation", 19.88, 0.31, 1.58, now },
                    new object[] { "International Business Machines", 81.41, 0.44, 0.54, now },
                    new object[] { "Johnson & Johnson", 64.72, 0.06, 0.09, now },
                    new object[] { "JP Morgan & Chase & Co", 45.73, 0.07, 0.15, now },
                    new object[] { "McDonald\"s Corporation", 36.76, 0.86, 2.40, now },
                    new object[] { "Merck & Co., Inc.", 40.96, 0.41, 1.01, now },
                    new object[] { "Microsoft Corporation", 25.84, 0.14, 0.54, now },
                    new object[] { "Pfizer Inc", 27.96, 0.4, 1.45, now },
                    new object[] { "The Coca-Cola Company", 45.07, 0.26, 0.58, now },
                    new object[] { "The Home Depot, Inc.", 34.64, 0.35, 1.02, now },
                    new object[] { "The Procter & Gamble Company", 61.91, 0.01, 0.02, now },
                    new object[] { "United Technologies Corporation", 63.26, 0.55, 0.88, now },
                    new object[] { "Verizon Communications", 35.57, 0.39, 1.11, now },
                    new object[] { "Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.", 45.45, 0.73, 1.63, now }
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!X.IsAjaxRequest)
                this.Store1.DataSource = this.TestData;
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <head id="Head1" runat="server">
        <title>Local Data Paging - Ext.NET Examples</title>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            var getRefreshButton = function () {
                var pagingToolbar = App.PagingToolbar1;
                var refresh = null;
                for (var i = 0; i < pagingToolbar.getPagingItems().length; i++) {
                    var itemId = pagingToolbar.getPagingItems()[i].itemId;
                    if (itemId && itemId == "refresh") {
                        refresh = pagingToolbar.getPagingItems()[i];
                        Ext.Msg.alert("Prompt", "Got the Refresh button!");
        <form id="Form1" runat="server">
        <ext:ResourceManager ID="ResourceManager1" runat="server" />
        <ext:Viewport runat="server" Layout="FitLayout">
                <ext:GridPanel ID="GridPanel1" runat="server" Flex="1">
                        <ext:Store ID="Store1" runat="server" RemoteSort="false" AutoLoad="true" PageSize="10">
                                <ext:Model ID="Model1" runat="server" IDProperty="company">
                                        <ext:ModelField Name="company" />
                                        <ext:ModelField Name="price" Type="Float" />
                                        <ext:ModelField Name="change" Type="Float" />
                                        <ext:ModelField Name="pctChange" Type="Float" />
                                        <ext:ModelField Name="lastChange" Type="Date" />
                    <ColumnModel ID="ColumnModel1" runat="server">
                            <ext:Column ID="Column1" runat="server" Text="Company" DataIndex="company" Width="200">
                                    <ext:TextField ID="TextField1" runat="server" />
                            <ext:Column ID="Column2" runat="server" Text="Price" Width="75" DataIndex="price">
                                    <ext:TextField ID="TextField2" runat="server" />
                            <ext:Column ID="Column3" runat="server" Text="Change" Width="100" DataIndex="change" />
                            <ext:Column ID="Column4" runat="server" Text="Change" Width="100" DataIndex="pctChange" />
                            <ext:DateColumn ID="DateColumn1" runat="server" Text="Last Updated" Width="120" DataIndex="lastChange"
                                Format="HH:mm:ss" />
                        <ext:RowSelectionModel ID="RowSelectionModel1" runat="server" Mode="Multi" />
                        <ext:PagingToolbar ID="PagingToolbar1" runat="server">
                                <ext:Button runat="server" Text="Get the Refresh Button">
                                        <Click Handler="getRefreshButton();">
    Last edited by Baidaly; Aug 03, 2013 at 12:21 AM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2

    Try the following one:
  3. #3
    Thanks Daulet! This feels like a JQuery hack but does look shorter for sure. :)
  4. #4
    Yes, it looks like a jQuery. It is possible to do due to itemId: http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.2.1/#...ent-cfg-itemId

    P.s. Thank you for good samples!

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