[CLOSED] Can't have two components in HeaderColumn

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] Can't have two components in HeaderColumn

    I'm using the new HeaderColumn and I wanted to add a filter to a field in the grid, very much like your MultiHeader filter example. But instead of the default operator of equality, I want the users to be able to choose the operator from a list. Here is what I'm trying to do:

    <ext:HeaderColumn Cls="x-small-editor">
            <ext:ComboBox runat="server" Mode="Local" TriggerAction="All" AutoWidth="true">
                    <ext:ListItem Text="=" Value="=" />
                    <ext:ListItem Text=">" Value=">" />
                    <ext:ListItem Text="<" Value="<" />
                    <....other operators....>
            <ext:TextField ID="AmountFilter" runat="server"></ext:TextField>
    However, it's not possible to have more than one component in a HeaderColumn. Is there a way to achieve what I want other than having the users type the operator which would be error prone?
  2. #2

    RE: [CLOSED] Can't have two components in HeaderColumn


    You can add second HeaderRow and put second field into this row.
    Or you can try define fields in div (in top of page for example) and set Target for this div in HeaderColumn

    <div id="div1">

    *<ext:HeaderColumn Target="div1" />

  3. #3

    RE: [CLOSED] Can't have two components in HeaderColumn

    Thanks, that worked.

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