[CLOSED] Change icon in CommandColumn Listener

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] Change icon in CommandColumn Listener

    I have the next code:

    <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="RowExpander.aspx.cs" Inherits="Ext.Net.Examples.RowExpander" %>
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <head id="Head1" runat="server">
        <title>GridPanel with RowExpander Plugin - Ext.NET Examples</title>
        <link href="/resources/css/examples.css" rel="stylesheet" />
                background-image: url(resources/images/addcomment.gif);
                background-image: url(resources/images/hascomment.png);
            .collapseIcon {
                background-image: url(resources/images/collapse.gif);
            var template = '<span style="color:{0};">{1}</span>';
            var change = function (value) {
                return Ext.String.format(template, (value > 0) ? "green" : "red", value);
            var pctChange = function (value) {
                return Ext.String.format(template, (value > 0) ? "green" : "red", value + "%");
            var ExpandFn = function (e1, e2, e3, e4, e5) {
                if (e2 === "ExpandCollapse") {
                    var grid = App.GridPanel1,
                        rowExpander = grid.getRowExpander(),
                        expandedRows = rowExpander.getExpanded();
                    for (var i = 0; i < expandedRows.length; i++) {
                        if (expandedRows[i].index === e3.index) {
                            //here I need to change IconCls
                    //and here I need to change IconCls
            function PrepareToolbarFn(grid, toolbar, rowIndex, record) {
                var btn = toolbar.items.get(0);
                var recordClass = record.get("iconClass");
                if (recordClass === "collapseIcon") {
                if (rowIndex % 2 === 1) {
                } else {
        <form id="Form1" runat="server">
            <ext:ResourceManager ID="ResourceManager1" runat="server" />
            <h1>GridPanel with RowExpander Plugin</h1>
                    <ext:Store ID="Store1" runat="server">
                            <ext:Model ID="Model1" runat="server">
                                    <ext:ModelField Name="company" />
                                    <ext:ModelField Name="price" Type="Float" />
                                    <ext:ModelField Name="change" Type="Float" />
                                    <ext:ModelField Name="pctChange" Type="Float" />
                                    <ext:ModelField Name="lastChange" Type="Date" DateFormat="M/d hh:mmtt" />
                                    <ext:ModelField Name="industry" />
                                    <ext:ModelField Name="desc" />
                <ColumnModel ID="ColumnModel1" runat="server">
                        <ext:Column ID="Column1" runat="server" Text="Company" DataIndex="company" Flex="1" />
                        <ext:Column ID="Column2" runat="server" Text="Price" DataIndex="price">
                            <Renderer Format="UsMoney" />
                        <ext:Column ID="Column3" runat="server" Text="Change" DataIndex="change">
                            <Renderer Fn="change" />
                        <ext:Column ID="Column4" runat="server" Text="Change" DataIndex="pctChange">
                            <Renderer Fn="pctChange" />
                        <ext:DateColumn ID="DateColumn1" runat="server" Text="Last Updated" DataIndex="lastChange" />
                        <ext:CommandColumn runat="server">
                            <PrepareToolbar Fn="PrepareToolbarFn" />
                                <ext:GridCommand CommandName="ExpandCollapse" />
                                <Command Fn="ExpandFn" />
                    <ext:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" TrackOver="true"/>                                    
                    <ext:RowSelectionModel ID="RowSelectionModel1" runat="server" Mode="Multi" />
                    <ext:RowExpander ID="RowExpander1" runat="server">
                            <Collapse Handler="Ext.Msg.notify('Row collapsed', 'Row # ' + rowIndex);" Delay="1" />
                            <Expand Handler="Ext.Msg.notify('Row expanded', 'Row # ' + rowIndex);" Delay="1" />
                        <Template ID="Template1" runat="server">
                                <p><b>Company:</b> {company}</p>
                                <br />
                                <p><b>Summary:</b> {desc}</p>
    using System;
    namespace Ext.Net.Examples
        public partial class RowExpander : System.Web.UI.Page
            protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                this.Store1.DataSource = new object[]
                    new object[] { "3m Co", 71.72, 0.02, 0.03, "9/1 12:00am", "Manufacturing" },
                    new object[] { "Alcoa Inc", 29.01, 0.42, 1.47, "9/1 12:00am", "Manufacturing" },
                    new object[] { "Altria Group Inc", 83.81, 0.28, 0.34, "9/1 12:00am", "Manufacturing" },
                    new object[] { "American Express Company", 52.55, 0.01, 0.02, "9/1 12:00am", "Finance" },
                    new object[] { "American International Group, Inc.", 64.13, 0.31, 0.49, "9/1 12:00am", "Services" },
                    new object[] { "AT&T Inc.", 31.61, -0.48, -1.54, "9/1 12:00am", "Services" },
                    new object[] { "Boeing Co.", 75.43, 0.53, 0.71, "9/1 12:00am", "Manufacturing" },
                    new object[] { "Caterpillar Inc.", 67.27, 0.92, 1.39, "9/1 12:00am", "Services" },
                    new object[] { "Citigroup, Inc.", 49.37, 0.02, 0.04, "9/1 12:00am", "Finance" },
                    new object[] { "E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company", 40.48, 0.51, 1.28, "9/1 12:00am", "Manufacturing" },
                    new object[] { "Exxon Mobil Corp", 68.1, -0.43, -0.64, "9/1 12:00am", "Manufacturing" },
                    new object[] { "General Electric Company", 34.14, -0.08, -0.23, "9/1 12:00am", "Manufacturing" },
                    new object[] { "General Motors Corporation", 30.27, 1.09, 3.74, "9/1 12:00am", "Automotive" },
                    new object[] { "Hewlett-Packard Co.", 36.53, -0.03, -0.08, "9/1 12:00am", "Computer" },
                    new object[] { "Honeywell Intl Inc", 38.77, 0.05, 0.13, "9/1 12:00am", "Manufacturing" },
                    new object[] { "Intel Corporation", 19.88, 0.31, 1.58, "9/1 12:00am", "Computer" },
                    new object[] { "International Business Machines", 81.41, 0.44, 0.54, "9/1 12:00am", "Computer" },
                    new object[] { "Johnson & Johnson", 64.72, 0.06, 0.09, "9/1 12:00am", "Medical" },
                    new object[] { "JP Morgan & Chase & Co", 45.73, 0.07, 0.15, "9/1 12:00am", "Finance" },
                    new object[] { "McDonald\"s Corporation", 36.76, 0.86, 2.40, "9/1 12:00am", "Food" },
                    new object[] { "Merck & Co., Inc.", 40.96, 0.41, 1.01, "9/1 12:00am", "Medical" },
                    new object[] { "Microsoft Corporation", 25.84, 0.14, 0.54, "9/1 12:00am", "Computer" },
                    new object[] { "Pfizer Inc", 27.96, 0.4, 1.45, "9/1 12:00am", "Medical" },
                    new object[] { "The Coca-Cola Company", 45.07, 0.26, 0.58, "9/1 12:00am", "Food" },
                    new object[] { "The Home Depot, Inc.", 34.64, 0.35, 1.02, "9/1 12:00am", "Retail" },
                    new object[] { "The Procter & Gamble Company", 61.91, 0.01, 0.02, "9/1 12:00am", "Manufacturing" },
                    new object[] { "United Technologies Corporation", 63.26, 0.55, 0.88, "9/1 12:00am", "Computer" },
                    new object[] { "Verizon Communications", 35.57, 0.39, 1.11, "9/1 12:00am", "Services" },
                    new object[] { "Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.", 45.45, 0.73, 1.63, "9/1 12:00am", "Retail" }
                const string desc = "this.desc_data = \"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed metus nibh, sodales a, porta at, " +
                                    "vulputate eget, dui. Pellentesque ut nisl. Maecenas tortor turpis, interdum non, sodales non, " +
                                    "iaculis ac, lacus. Vestibulum auctor, tortor quis iaculis malesuada, libero lectus bibendum purus, " +
                                    "sit amet tincidunt quam turpis vel lacus. In pellentesque nisl non sem. Suspendisse nunc sem, " +
                                    "pretium eget, cursus a, fringilla vel, urna.<br/><br/>Aliquam commodo ullamcorper erat. " +
                                    "Nullam vel justo in neque porttitor laoreet. Aenean lacus dui, consequat eu, adipiscing eget, " +
                                    "nonummy non, nisi. Morbi nunc est, dignissim non, ornare sed, luctus eu, massa. Vivamus eget quam. " +
                                    "Vivamus tincidunt diam nec urna. Curabitur velit.\";";
                string dataID = string.Concat(this.Store1.ClientID, ".proxy.data");
                string push = string.Format(@"for (var i = 0; i < {0}.length; i++) {{{0}[i].push(desc_data);}}", dataID);
                this.ResourceManager1.RegisterClientScriptBlock("desc_data", desc);
    I need to change icon in ExpandFn (you can find comment). How can I get toolbar in ExpandFn?
    Last edited by Daniil; Jul 30, 2013 at 4:02 AM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2
    Hi @RRD,

    Please update from the SVN trunk and use (read the comment):
    var ExpandFn = function (column, command, record, recordIndex, cellIndex) {
        if (command === "ExpandCollapse") {
            var grid = column.grid,
                rowExpander = grid.getRowExpander();
            rowExpander.toggleRow(recordIndex, record);
            record.set("iconClass", rowExpander.isExpanded(recordIndex) ? "collapse icon" : "expand icon"); // the PrepareToolbarFn will be called after this line. There you should change the icon.
  3. #3
    I've updated from SVN and PrepareToolbarFn haven't called.
  4. #4

    I don't see in your model a field with Name iconClass so there is no change in record and therefore your prepareToolbar handler is not called:

    <ext:Store ID="Store1" runat="server">
    		<ext:Model ID="Model1" runat="server">
    				<ext:ModelField Name="company" />
    				<ext:ModelField Name="price" Type="Float" />
    				<ext:ModelField Name="change" Type="Float" />
    				<ext:ModelField Name="pctChange" Type="Float" />
    				<ext:ModelField Name="lastChange" Type="Date" DateFormat="M/d hh:mmtt" />
    				<ext:ModelField Name="industry" />
    				<ext:ModelField Name="desc" />
    				<ext:ModelField Name="iconClass" />

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