[CLOSED] TextField in codebehind

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] TextField in codebehind


    I am creating a TextField in codebehind and I run into a few issues:

    When I try to set the Vtype, I can't use the following
    Vtype = Ext.Net.ValidationType.Email.ToString()
    Vtype = "email"
    For other properties on other fields, I can use
    Layout = Ext.Net.LayoutType.Fit.ToString()
    just fine.

    Also, the Validator property is read-only. Is that by design? That means that I can't do this
        FieldLabel="Repeat Password"
        <Validator Handler="return (value === this.previousSibling('[name=password1]').getValue()) ? true : 'Passwords do not match.';" />
    as in the examples...

    Another minor thing is the code assist tooltip that pops up in VS when hovering over the Margin property: it says "Specifies the margin for this component. The margin can be a single numeric value to apply to all sides or it can be a CSS style specification for each style, for example '10 5 3 10'.". This property is an int? so it won't accept a string. MarginSpec seems to be the proper way to set the margins with a string so the "...or ....." should be removed.

    Last edited by Daniil; Jul 16, 2013 at 4:15 AM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2
    When I try to set the Vtype, I can't use the following
    It is case sensitive property, please use
    Vtype = Ext.Net.ValidationType.Email.ToString().ToLowerInvariant()
    Why don't you want to use StandardVtype property?

    Also, the Validator property is read-only. Is that by design?
    Yes, Validator already has instance therefore just use it
    field.Validator.Handler = "...";
    MarginSpec seems to be the proper way to set the margins with a string
    Yes, you are right
  3. #3
    Most of those questions are because I did not know of those properties. Not all of those are approached in the examples and if they are, they might not be in a category I would think to look at for a particular property. I can't find anything about StandardVtype in the docs at http://docs.ext.net/

    For Validator, how would you include it in the following snippet:

    new Ext.Net.TextField
        ID = "confirm",
        FieldLabel = "Confirm Password",
        AllowBlank = false,
        AllowOnlyWhitespace = false,
        Plugins = 
            new Ext.Net.PasswordMask
  4. #4
    For Validator, how would you include it in the following snippet:
    Validator = 
        Handler = "...."

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