Date Range in a user control

  1. #1

    Date Range in a user control

    I have a user control contain date range input and define as below
            <ext:Panel ID="pnlFrom" runat="server" Layout="FormLayout" ColumnWidth="0.30">
                    <ext:DateField ID="dtpDteFr" runat="server" Vtype="daterange" EnableKeyEvents="true">                  
                            <Render Handler="this.endDateField = '#{dtpDteTo}'" />
             <ext:Panel ID="pnlTo" runat="server" Layout="FormLayout" ColumnWidth="0.30">
                    <ext:DateField ID="dtpDteTo" runat="server" Vtype="daterange" EnableKeyEvents="true">         
                            <Render Handler="this.startDateField = '#{dtpDteFr}'" />
    During running it have error in the JS part.

    var end=Ext.getCmp(field.endDateField);
    end.setMinValue(date); <== program broke at here
    This JS seems auto-gen by When when I remove the setting of endDateField and startDateField, the problem disappear.

    The problem is "end" is undefined.

    I found that field.endDateField = "App.dtrDoc_dtpDteTo".

    If I run Ext.getCmp("dtrDoc_dtpDteTo") in Immediate Window, I can get the component.

    However Ext.getCmp("App.dtrDoc_dtpDteTo") get undefined.

    Actually I try some alternate method in the demo

    First I add a new web from in my project and just copy the code into it. It runs fine.

    Then I change it to a user control and insert it to the same place of my date range, same problem occurred.

    It seems that the ClientID of the control in user control have a prefix of "App.", but in JS part this "App." should be remove for Ext.getCmp().

    Can anyone help? Thanks!
  2. #2

    Try to remove '#{}' syntax and use the following:

    <Render Handler="this.startDateField = 'dtpDteFr';" />
  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Baidaly View Post

    Try to remove '#{}' syntax and use the following:

    <Render Handler="this.startDateField = 'dtpDteFr';" />
    Thanks for your reply!

    I have try this, but still not work.

    Ext.getCmp(field.endDateField) or say Ext.getCmp("dtpDteFr") still return undefined in JS.

    It seems that field.endDateField should = "dtrDoc_dtpDteTo" to get the right result.

    Actually "dtrDoc" is the ID for this user control inserted to the page.

      <ext:FieldSet ID="grpMain" runat="server" Title="_Title" ShrinkWrap="Both">
          <uc:DateRange ID="dtrDoc" runat="server" KeyId="DocDte" />
  4. #4
    Yes, you should combine UserControl's ID and Control ID. Or set IDMode="Static".

    Read the following thread:
  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Baidaly View Post
    Yes, you should combine UserControl's ID and Control ID. Or set IDMode="Static".

    Read the following thread:
    Thank you for your help. It seems better to combine UserControl's ID and Control ID.

    As it is very difficult to keep ID unique.

    However, how can I achieve this?

    Like my current code

    <Render Handler="this.endDateField = '#{dtpDteTo}'" />
    #{dtpDteTo} return "App.dtrDoc_dtpDteTo"

    How can I get rid of the "App." prefix?

    In my project IDMode="Static" really not a choice for me, as same user control may insert more than one time in same page.

    Thank you again.
  6. #6
    Finally, I find a method to handle this stuff. Although I dun know if it is the best method.

    Firstly I change the IDMode to Predictable in the ResourceManager of the page.

    <ext:ResourceManager ID="ResourceManager1" runat="server" IDMode="Predictable"/>
    This part seems to be optional. As IDMode seems default set to Predictable.

    Then remove listener property in designer.

      <ext:Panel ID="pnlFrom" runat="server" Layout="FormLayout" ColumnWidth="0.30">
              <ext:DateField ID="dtpDteFr" runat="server" Vtype="daterange" >                  
       <ext:Panel ID="pnlTo" runat="server" Layout="FormLayout" ColumnWidth="0.30">
              <ext:DateField ID="dtpDteTo" runat="server" Vtype="daterange" >         
    Finally control the listener in the code behind instead of designer

                dtpDteFr.Listeners.Render.Handler = "this.endDateField='" + this.ID + "_" + dtpDteTo.ID + "'";
                dtpDteTo.Listeners.Render.Handler = "this.startDateField='" + this.ID + "_" + dtpDteFr.ID + "'";
  7. #7
    Another possible solution is here:

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