[CLOSED] Strategies to Discover Flex Resize Failures?

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] Strategies to Discover Flex Resize Failures?

    I've got massive ext.net pages with thousands of final divs. Stretch is set for virtually every panel. Sometimes, however, something breaks. Unfortunately it doesn't take much to break, and when it does it can take hours to days to find what went wrong. Usually it has nothing to do with layouts but some legacy code or css change or whatever. I spend more time with this subject than any other. Right now I've got a situation where Chrome resizes but IE & FF does not. Is there a strategy or breakpoint that experienced developers have found where it would be possible to track down these types of breakages? It happens too often and too easily not to have a way. Please advise.
    Last edited by Daniil; May 09, 2013 at 3:48 AM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2

    I think maybe you should simplify your code using ASCX or Dynamic rendering which can be helpful to find what part of your application is not working. However, I will ask my colleagues.

    Also, if you can provide test case or link to the page we can give you more precise answer.
  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Baidaly View Post
    However, I will ask my colleagues.
    Unfortunately, we can't suggest anything specific here. Just a common debugging technique - simplify (removing parts of the code) the code to narrow a problem.

    In your case
    Right now I've got a situation where Chrome resizes but IE & FF does not.
    I would search for the fist Container in the chain which is not resized.

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