Hi, i want to create template at code behind and i look this example is interesting.


Unfortunately, in that example the kids not showing. I think, It should show 2 kids.

        tpl.Html = @"<p>Name: {Name}</p>
                   <p>Company: {Company}</p>
                   <p>Location: {City}, {State}</p>
                   <tpl for=""Kids"" if=""Name=='Jack Slocum'"">
                   <tpl if=""Age &gt; 1""><p>{#}. {parent.Name}'s kid - {Name}</p></tpl>

        tpl.Overwrite(this.Panel1, new {
            Name = "Jack Slocum",
            Company = "Ext JS, LLC",
            Address = "4 Red Bulls Drive",
            City = "Cleveland",
            State = "Ohio",
            Zip = "44102",
            Kids = new object[] {
                new { Name = "Sara Grace", Age = 3 },
                new { Name = "Zachary", Age = 2 },
                new { Name = "John James", Age = 0 }              
any helps?