I have a view which is the result of partial view result.

        public virtual ActionResult showview1(string containerId,string data)

            return new PartialViewResult
                ContainerId = containerId,
                RenderMode = RenderMode.AddTo,
                ViewName = "../something/view1",
                WrapByScriptTag = false,


I have a view view 1 as follows
@model Core.Framework.modeldata

         .Items(item => item.Add(

                .Defaults(d =>
                                  d.Add(new Parameter("LabelWidth", "90"));
                .FieldDefaults(def =>
                        def.MsgTarget = MessageTarget.Side;
                .FieldDefaults(d =>
                                       d.LabelAlign = LabelAlign.Right;
                           Html.X().TextField().FieldLabel("Domain Restriction Id").ID("viewdata").ReadOnly(true),

I need to display the data from model of partial view into the above text fiel with id "viewdata" while other elements of the form will be using @model Core.Framework.modeldata

Is there a way to do something like this as i am stuck with it