[CLOSED] [URGENT - Need Help ] ux is missing ( grid live data search )

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] [URGENT - Need Help ] ux is missing ( grid live data search )

    Hi All,

    I am creating a grid panel by js code

            var store =Ext.create('Ext.data.Store',  {
                model: Ext.define("DataModel", {
                    extend: "Ext.data.Model",
                    fields: tableFields
                pageSize: 20,
                remoteSort: true,
                proxy: {
                    data: tableValues,
                    type: 'memory',
                    reader: {
                        type: "array"
            Ext.create("Ext.grid.Panel", {
                id: "GridPanel1",
                renderTo: App.gridContainer.getBody(),
                height: 500,
                ForceFit: true,
                disableSelection: true,
                loadMask: true,
                store: store,
                columns: {
                    items: columns
                // paging bar on the bottom
                bbar: Ext.create('Ext.PagingToolbar', {
                    store: store,
                    displayInfo: true,
                    displayMsg: 'Displaying Items {0} - {1} of {2}',
                    emptyMsg: "No Items to display"
    I need to add live search to production i saw this example

    however i get a 404 error for /ux//LiveSearchGridPanel.js?_dc=1363877132475

    here are my required namespaces

       Ext.Loader.setPath('Ext.ux', '../ux/');
            'Ext.window.MessageBox', 'Ext.tip.*'

    Full code
     Ext.Loader.setConfig({ enabled: true });
        Ext.Loader.setPath('Ext.ux', '../ux/');
            'Ext.window.MessageBox', 'Ext.tip.*'
        function PopulateGrid(records) {
            var tableFields = [];
            var tableValues = [];
            var columns = [];
            if (records.result.length == 0) {
                ShowMessage("No Data Available", App.comboBoxMethods);
            for (var i = 0; i < records.result.length; i++) {
                var obj = records.result[i];
                var values = [];
                for (var key in obj) {
                    if (i == 0) {
                        if (key.indexOf("date") !== -1 || key.indexOf("Date") !== -1) {
                            columns.push({ text: key, dataIndex: key, xtype: 'datecolumn', format:'Y-M-d', sortable: true });
                            tableFields.push({ name: key, type: 'date' });
                        } else if (key.indexOf("amount") !== -1 || key.indexOf("Amount") !== -1) {
                            columns.push({ text: key, dataIndex: key, renderer: moneyColorRenderer, sortable: true });
                            tableFields.push({ name: key });
                        } else {
                            columns.push({ text: key, dataIndex: key, sortable: true });
                            tableFields.push({ name: key });
            var store =Ext.create('Ext.data.Store',  {
                model: Ext.define("DataModel", {
                    extend: "Ext.data.Model",
                    fields: tableFields
                pageSize: 20,
                remoteSort: true,
                proxy: {
                    data: tableValues,
                    type: 'memory',
                    reader: {
                        type: "array"
            Ext.create("Ext.grid.Panel", {
                id: "GridPanel1",
                renderTo: App.gridContainer.getBody(),
                height: 500,
                ForceFit: true,
                disableSelection: true,
                loadMask: true,
                store: store,
                columns: {
                    items: columns
                // paging bar on the bottom
                bbar: Ext.create('Ext.PagingToolbar', {
                    store: store,
                    displayInfo: true,
                    displayMsg: 'Displaying Items {0} - {1} of {2}',
                    emptyMsg: "No Items to display"
            // trigger the data store load
            store.on('load', function (store, records, successful, operation) {
                this.loadData(tableValues.slice((this.currentPage - 1) * 20, (this.currentPage) * 20));
            }, store);
    Last edited by Baidaly; Mar 21, 2013 at 6:51 PM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2
    Hi @Pyropace,

    Well, it means that there is no "LiveSearchGridPanel.js" file under the "ux" folder under the application's root folder. Please double check.

    By the way, we incorporated this functionality into Ext.NET. Please take a look at the following example.
  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Daniil View Post
    Hi @Pyropace,

    Well, it means that there is no "LiveSearchGridPanel.js" file under the "ux" folder under the application's root folder. Please double check.

    By the way, we incorporated this functionality into Ext.NET. Please take a look at the following example.
    Hi Danil

    lol well thanks for explaining 404 :)

    the web solution is using ext.net i guess what i am trying to ask is , is that js included in ext.net or does it have to be added manually, if it is included how do i add it ?

    i thought it was included because of your example

    but like i said i am using js to create this grid ( mainly because the grid has to be reconstructed with data , i couldnot find an easy way to do it with ext.net )
  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Daniil View Post
    Hi @Pyropace,

    Well, it means that there is no "LiveSearchGridPanel.js" file under the "ux" folder under the application's root folder. Please double check.

    By the way, we incorporated this functionality into Ext.NET. Please take a look at the following example.


    that link answered my question


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