
  1. #1


    Been quite lately. No posts since Aug. 8, 2008... I hope that's a good thing.

    Is there a new ETA on 0.6?

  2. #2

    RE: Sssshhh...

    It's been quiet because I haven't been causing havoc in the forums ;)

    I've got a couple items I've noticed that will impact 6.0 but I think they are ExtJS 2.2 related, seems they changed their Ext.onReady event order.

  3. #3

    RE: Sssshhh...

    We're close. The v0.6 release is full of big features that have been very complicated to build and complicated to test. We had a very good day today finishing up some functionality. Just more testing required.

    oh... and the <asp:UpdatePanel> and I have a another round of battle before release.
    Geoffrey McGill
  4. #4

    RE: Sssshhh...


    Fight the good fight my friend!

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