Form Panel + ContentFrompage not working

  1. #1

    Form Panel + ContentFrompage not working


    I have a form panel like so:

               .Title("Add Memo")   
               .ContentFromPage(this, "~/Views/Common/MemoForm.cshtml")          
    The Memo form view is:

    @model MemoFormModel

    <div class="memo-form">
        <table class="details" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">        
                <td class="data-item">@Html.X().TextFieldFor(model => model.User)</td>  
                <td class="data-item">@Html.X().TextFieldFor(model => model.Subject)</td>            
                <td class="data-item">@Html.X().TextFieldFor(model => model.Caption)</td>            
    However the view does not show. Using developer tools I can see the view is brought into the page but given a class of x-hidden. I tried removing the cls but that did not work. If I use ItemsFromPage it shows the items but I lose my HTML tags as you'd expect.

    How do I bring the content from memoform into the form panel ?
  2. #2
    FormPanel doesn't support Content, please use Panel
  3. #3
    Hi Vladimir,

    Yep panel works fine.

    How do I then submit the data in the panel?

    Originally the plan was to use javescript like so:

    function SubmitForm() {
                        url: 'Home/AddMemo'                
    Thanks for the help
  4. #4
    Use standard html form, DirectEvent or DirectMethod and define FormID for direct request
  5. #5
    ok I tired this but diod not work.

    Panel wrapped in Html Form:

    <form id="AddMemoForm" action="Home/Addmemo" method="POST">
    <div class="memo-create">
                .Title("Add Memo")            
                .ContentFromPage(this, "~/Views/Common/MemoForm.cshtml")           
    and then javascript to submit it

            function SubmitForm() {
    However this doesn't work. i can see through the developer tools that the request body is empty.
  6. #6
    Hi Vladimir,

    I think this is where you were pointing me but still does not work:

    <form id="AddMemoForm">
    <div class="memo-create">
                .Title("Add Memo")            
                .ContentFromPage(this, "~/Views/Common/MemoForm.cshtml")           
    <div class="submit-panel">
                        de.Click.FormID = "AddMemoForm";                              
                        de.Click.Url = Url.Action("AddMemo");                             
    Can you advise on what to change please?

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