[CLOSED] Render using store

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] Render using store


    How is it possible to render a grid panel after binding another store?Well, exact scenario is as below:

    GridPanel1 > Column X > render function uses Store2 (different from grid panel store). During the page load, Store2 is not ready yet so rendering fails (not showing properly). I want to cancel rendering of grid panel until binding Store 2 at client side and after successful bind I want to render grid panel. What is the correct way of doing this? I don't want to just trigger rendering of grid panel after Store 2 bind, also prevent unnecessary rendering of grid items before Store 2 is ready.

    Last edited by Daniil; Feb 11, 2013 at 11:34 AM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2
    Just set AutoLoad=false for grid's store and trigger loading in the Load handler of Store2
    <Load Handler="#{GridPanel1}.store.load();" />
  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Vladimir View Post
    Just set AutoLoad=false for grid's store and trigger loading in the Load handler of Store2
    <Load Handler="#{GridPanel1}.store.load();" />
    Thank you Vladimir. Mark as closed please.
  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Vladimir View Post
    Just set AutoLoad=false for grid's store and trigger loading in the Load handler of Store2
    <Load Handler="#{GridPanel1}.store.load();" />
    Hello Viladimir, sorry for marking as solved but I face another case relating to this post. Let me know if I should open a new threat.
    What if there are 3 columns in grid each is rendered using different stores? I can still set autoload = false but link loading of grid to which store's load handler? would it be bad for perfomance to load each store sequentially?

    RenderStore1 load handler > RenderStore2 load handler > RenderStore3 load handler > grid store load.

    Would this have a bad impact on performance?
  5. #5
    Well, a GridPanel supports a single Store to be associated with.

    In your scenario you might need to set up a separate Store for the GridPanel.

    When all data is loaded to the all other Stores, put this data to the GridPanel's Store (maybe, using the Store's loadData method).

    But it is a strange scenario where you need three Stores for a single GridPanel.

    Maybe, there is a better solution. But we need more details about your case to suggest something.
  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Daniil View Post
    Well, a GridPanel supports a single Store to be associated with.

    In your scenario you might need to set up a separate Store for the GridPanel.

    When all data is loaded to the all other Stores, put this data to the GridPanel's Store (maybe, using the Store's loadData method).

    But it is a strange scenario where you need three Stores for a single GridPanel.

    Maybe, there is a better solution. But we need more details about your case to suggest something.
    Hello Daniil, I think there is misunderstanding. GridPanel has one store associated with. The other stores are required for rendering purposes only. Scenario is as below:

    (GridPanel : Column A, Colum B, Column C) > (GridStore : dataA, dataB, dataC)
    (StoreA: dataA, label A)
    (StoreB: dataB, label B)
    (StoreC: dataC, label C)

    imagine that GridStore has ID information of UserID, ColorID, CountryID.
    StoreA containts Username for UserIDs
    StoreB contains ColorCode for ColorIDs
    StoreC contains CountryName for CountryIDs

    I am rendering columns A, B, C as UserName, ColorCode, and CountryName using StoreA/B/C.getById(value).data.Attribute in column render function.

    What I am currently doing is as below:
    Set GridStore, StoreA, and StoreB auto load = false.
    StoreC autoload is true and load handler is StoreB.load.
    StoreB load handler is StoreA.load.
    Store A load handler is GridStore.load.

    By this way, I am ensuring that GridPanel is loaded/and rendered after all other required stores are loaded sequentially. The question: Is this the correct way if information required to render grid columns is placed in other stores. Does this method have a bad impact on performance? If all store information is anyway loaded to the client side even if autoload=false, and calling store.load is only a client side operation, that it might not have a bad impact on performance. If not, what is the suggested way of doing this? Colud you comment on this?

  7. #7
    I think the Stores A, B, C can be loaded at the same time.

    So, I would set up AutoLoad="true" (it is by default) for all and set up AutoLoad="false" just for the GridPanel's Store.

    Then define a global variable like this (or a custom property of the GridPanel or its Store).
    var SomeNamespace = {
        countOfLoadedStore: 0
    And set up the following Load listeners for the Stores A, B and C.
    <Load Handler="SomeNamespace.countOfLoadedStore++; 
                   if (SomeNamespace.countOfLoadedStore++;) {
                   }" />
    If the GridPanel's Store have to wait all the Stores to be loaded, then, I think there is no better way for performance.
  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Daniil View Post
    I think the Stores A, B, C can be loaded at the same time.

    So, I would set up AutoLoad="true" (it is by default) for all and set up AutoLoad="false" just for the GridPanel's Store.

    Then define a global variable like this (or a custom property of the GridPanel or its Store).
    var SomeNamespace = {
        countOfLoadedStore: 0
    And set up the following Load listeners for the Stores A, B and C.
    <Load Handler="SomeNamespace.countOfLoadedStore++; 
                   if (SomeNamespace.countOfLoadedStore++;) {
                   }" />
    If the GridPanel's Store have to wait all the Stores to be loaded, then, I think there is no better way for performance.
    Hello Daniil,
    If I get it right, you meant below load handler right?
    <Load Handler="SomeNamespace.countOfLoadedStore++; 
                   if (SomeNamespace.countOfLoadedStore==3) {  //changed this part
                   }" />

    by this way should I worry about global variable access? In other words, can we be sure that even concurrent execution of SomeNamespace.countOfLoadedStore++; will result increment of counter? My doubt is concurrent requests may cancel other and counter never reaches to limit 3 (and grid store is never loaded). What is your comment on this?
  9. #9
    You were right to change to:
    if (SomeNamespace.countOfLoadedStore == 3)
    I, well, mistyped.

    If a Store is loaded, its Load event will be fired for sure. So, a counter will be incremented for sure.

    A Load listener is fired on unsuccessful load (including time out of a request or server exception). There is just a "successful" flag passed to a listener.
  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Daniil View Post
    You were right to change to:
    if (SomeNamespace.countOfLoadedStore == 3)
    I, well, mistyped.

    If a Store is loaded, its Load event will be fired for sure. So, a counter will be incremented for sure.

    A Load listener is fired on unsuccessful load (including time out of a request or server exception). There is just a "successful" flag passed to a listener.
    Ok thanks.

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