As I've been working with Coolite over the past month, something I could really appreciate would be the ability to place multiple "items" inside <ext:Anchor> markup.

For example there are a couple situations:

1) FieldLabel="Course" I'd like to have both the course code text box and a course title text box both load up side-by-side under the "Course:" FieldLabel

2) Another instance where it would be nice would be to have a FieldLabel="Student ID" and below it is a text box for the student number entry, then an <ext:Label> beside this with a little asterisk in red font * this would also be handy when loading up a description for a "code" field like above, if I wanted to have Course Title show up as uneditable.

Does that make sense?

One thing I absolutely love (it seems almost accidental, so I hope it never gets removed from the feature set), a little tip out there for Cooliters is this:

<ext:TextField ID="txtCourseCode" runat="server" StyleSpec="background-color:#FFFF99;" FieldLabel="Course Code" AllowBlank="false" Width="180" />
This will draw a yellow underline in the TextField or ComboBox, really handy to help the user distinguish required fields.

Also try this for read-only display fields:

<ext:TextField ID="txtApplicationID" runat="server" FieldLabel="App #" ReadOnly="true" Text="444" StyleSpec="background:#E5E5E5;" Width="50" />