[CLOSED] GridPanel disappear code-behind

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  1. #1

    [CLOSED] GridPanel disappear code-behind

    When I refresh gridpanel it will disappear

    case 1: directclick refresh and wait around 1 second -> gridpanel is work fine
    case 2: directclick refresh and wait less then 1 second -> gridpanel is disappear and never show again until refresh browser

    I am using List Of <T> to fill in the Store and call gridpanel.Render

    Public Sub FillLstOfDataToGridPanel(Of t)(ByVal objLstOf As List(Of t), Optional ByVal strShowHideColNameList As String = Nothing, Optional ByVal strIDProperty As String = Nothing, Optional blnTIsShowFIsHide As Boolean = False, Optional strColumnAlias As String = Nothing )
            Dim objLstOfProp As List(Of clsNameAndProperty)
            Dim objModel As New Ext.Net.Model
            Dim objExtCol As Ext.Net.Column
            Dim objExtDateCol As Ext.Net.DateColumn
            Dim i As Integer
            Dim blnShowIt As Boolean
            Dim strSplit() As String
            Dim strText As String
            Dim strAlias() As String
            If objLstOf.Count < 1 Then
                Exit Sub
            End If
            objLstOfProp = getListOfProperty(objLstOf(0))
            mExtNetStore.DataSource = objLstOf
            objModel = FillLstOfObjectToModel(objLstOfProp, strIDProperty)
            If mExtNetGridPanel.StoreID Is Nothing OrElse mExtNetGridPanel.StoreID.Trim = "" Then
                mExtNetGridPanel.StoreID = mExtNetStore.ID
            End If
            strAlias = Split(strColumnAlias, ",")
            strSplit = Split(strShowHideColNameList, ",")
            For i = 0 To objLstOfProp.Count - 1
                blnShowIt = False
                If strShowHideColNameList Is Nothing OrElse strShowHideColNameList.Trim = "" Then
                    blnShowIt = True
                    Dim query = From obj As String In strSplit Where obj = objLstOfProp(i).Name.Trim
                    If query.Count > 0 Then
                        If blnTIsShowFIsHide = True Then
                            blnShowIt = True
                            blnShowIt = False
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
                Dim strPropertyName As String
                strPropertyName = objLstOfProp(i).Name
                strText = ""
                If strColumnAlias Is Nothing OrElse strColumnAlias.Trim = "" Then
                    strText = strPropertyName
                    strText = strPropertyName
                    Dim CheckEqu As Char() = New Char() {"="}
                    Dim AliasQuery = From objAlias As String In strAlias Where objAlias.Split("=")(0).Trim = strPropertyName.Trim
                    If AliasQuery.Count > 0 Then
                        For Each objResult In AliasQuery
                            strText = objResult.ToString.Split("=")(1)
                    End If
                End If
                If blnShowIt = True Then
                    If objLstOfProp(i).ExtNetModelType = Ext.Net.ModelFieldType.Date Then
                        objExtDateCol = New Ext.Net.DateColumn
                        objExtDateCol.Text = strText        ''objLstOfProp(i).Name
                        objExtDateCol.DataIndex = objLstOfProp(i).Name
                        objExtDateCol.Format = "yyyy/MM/dd"
                        objExtCol = New Ext.Net.Column
                        objExtCol.Text = strText        ''objLstOfProp(i).Name
                        objExtCol.DataIndex = objLstOfProp(i).Name
                    End If
                End If
        End Sub
    Last edited by Daniil; Jan 22, 2013 at 9:25 AM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2
    Hi @mis@adphk.com,

    Well, this is actual for any post.

    Please wrap.
  3. #3

    with screen capture

    Public Sub FillLstOfDataToGridPanel(Of t)(ByVal objLstOf As List(Of t), Optional ByVal strShowHideColNameList As String = Nothing, Optional ByVal strIDProperty As String = Nothing, Optional blnTIsShowFIsHide As Boolean = False, Optional strColumnAlias As String = Nothing )
            Dim objLstOfProp As List(Of clsNameAndProperty)
            Dim objModel As New Ext.Net.Model
            Dim objExtCol As Ext.Net.Column
            Dim objExtDateCol As Ext.Net.DateColumn
            Dim i As Integer
            Dim blnShowIt As Boolean
            Dim strSplit() As String
            Dim strText As String
            Dim strAlias() As String
            If objLstOf.Count < 1 Then
                Exit Sub
            End If
            objLstOfProp = getListOfProperty(objLstOf(0))
            mExtNetStore.DataSource = objLstOf
            objModel = FillLstOfObjectToModel(objLstOfProp, strIDProperty)
            If mExtNetGridPanel.StoreID Is Nothing OrElse mExtNetGridPanel.StoreID.Trim = "" Then
                mExtNetGridPanel.StoreID = mExtNetStore.ID
            End If
            strAlias = Split(strColumnAlias, ",")
            strSplit = Split(strShowHideColNameList, ",")
            For i = 0 To objLstOfProp.Count - 1
                blnShowIt = False
                If strShowHideColNameList Is Nothing OrElse strShowHideColNameList.Trim = "" Then
                    blnShowIt = True
                    Dim query = From obj As String In strSplit Where obj = objLstOfProp(i).Name.Trim
                    If query.Count > 0 Then
                        If blnTIsShowFIsHide = True Then
                            blnShowIt = True
                            blnShowIt = False
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
                Dim strPropertyName As String
                strPropertyName = objLstOfProp(i).Name
                strText = ""
                If strColumnAlias Is Nothing OrElse strColumnAlias.Trim = "" Then
                    strText = strPropertyName
                    strText = strPropertyName
                    Dim CheckEqu As Char() = New Char() {"="}
                    Dim AliasQuery = From objAlias As String In strAlias Where objAlias.Split("=")(0).Trim = strPropertyName.Trim
                    If AliasQuery.Count > 0 Then
                        For Each objResult In AliasQuery
                            strText = objResult.ToString.Split("=")(1)
                    End If
                End If
                If blnShowIt = True Then
                    If objLstOfProp(i).ExtNetModelType = Ext.Net.ModelFieldType.Date Then
                        objExtDateCol = New Ext.Net.DateColumn
                        objExtDateCol.Text = strText        ''objLstOfProp(i).Name
                        objExtDateCol.DataIndex = objLstOfProp(i).Name
                        objExtDateCol.Format = "yyyy/MM/dd"
                        objExtCol = New Ext.Net.Column
                        objExtCol.Text = strText        ''objLstOfProp(i).Name
                        objExtCol.DataIndex = objLstOfProp(i).Name
                    End If
                End If
        End Sub
    Attached Files
  4. #4
    Thank you for wrapping.

    Quote Originally Posted by mis@adphk.com View Post
    When I refresh gridpanel it will disappear

    case 1: directclick refresh and wait around 1 second -> gridpanel is work fine
    case 2: directclick refresh and wait less then 1 second -> gridpanel is disappear and never show again until refresh browser
    I don't understand well what you mean under "wait around 1 second" and "wait less than 1 second".

    Wait after a click on the refresh button? Ok, this seems clear. But wait before what? Maybe, before another click on the refresh button?

    Please clarify.

    Also a code sample is, unfortunately, incomplete to test with.
  5. #5
    seems firefox version issue, i run same code in IE 9 and firefox 18.0.1 is fine!
  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by mis@adphk.com View Post
    seems firefox version issue, i run same code in IE 9 and firefox 18.0.1 is fine!
    This phrase is confusing. First you are saying it is a FireFox issue, then saying that it is fine with FireFox 18.0.1.

    So, what FireFox issue is the issue reproducible with?

    Please clarify.
  7. #7
    my firefox previous version not 18.0.1 , but i not sure which version is
  8. #8
    Recently, we have added a fix for FireFox 18. Maybe it affects this issue.

    Or, maybe, FireFox fixed it itself.

    Anyway it appears to be not a problem anymore, doesn't?

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