[CLOSED] SVN[4745] DeskTop Window Open and Maximise

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] SVN[4745] DeskTop Window Open and Maximise

    Last edited by Daniil; Jan 22, 2013 at 4:23 AM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2
    Hi Aurelio,

    Thank you for the report.

    Generally, Desktop doesn't support (on ExtJS level) such things. But we will look what we can do.
  3. #3

    In the SVN 2.1[Branches] it's work ok..

  4. #4
    Thanks for the info. Yes, we were able to get it working earlier, but something is going wrong now.

    We are investigating.
  5. #5
  6. #6

    I tried the example but I can not get to the window below the toolbar when maximize it..
    In the versione 2.1 i not have this problem..these days I'll see if I can solve the problem.

    I correct this line :
     <ext:MessageBusListener Name="App.Desktop.ready" Handler="this.setWidth(Ext.net.Desktop.desktop.body.getWidth()); this.el.anchorTo(Ext.net.Desktop.desktop.body, 'tl-tl');" />
    with this for run the sample:
      <ext:MessageBusListener Name="App.Desktop.ready" Handler="this.setWidth(DesktopHome.desktop.body.getWidth()); this.el.anchorTo(DesktopHome.desktop.body, 'tl-tl');" />
  7. #7
    I have trace and the problem is in the function:

    createWindow: function (config, cls) {
            var me = this, win, availWidth, availHeight, cfg = Ext.applyIf(config || {}, { stateful: false, isWindow: true, constrain: true, minimizable: true, maximizable: true, center: me.centerWindow, desktop: me }); cls = cls || Ext.window.Window; win = me.add(new cls(cfg)); me.windows.add(win); win.taskButton = me.taskbar.addTaskButton(win); win.animateTarget = win.taskButton.el; win.on({ activate: me.updateActiveWindow, beforeshow: me.updateActiveWindow, deactivate: me.updateActiveWindow, minimize: me.minimizeWindow, destroy: me.onWindowClose, titlechange: function (win) { if (win.taskButton) { win.taskButton.setText(win.title); } }, iconchange: function (win) { if (win.taskButton) { win.taskButton.setIconCls(win.iconCls); } }, scope: me }); win.on({ boxready: function () { win.dd.xTickSize = me.xTickSize; win.dd.yTickSize = me.yTickSize; if (win.resizer) { win.resizer.widthIncrement = me.xTickSize; win.resizer.heightIncrement = me.yTickSize; } }, single: true }); if (win.closeAction == "hide") { win.on("close", function (win) { this.onWindowClose(win); }, this); } else { win.doClose = function () { win.doClose = Ext.emptyFn; win.el.disableShadow(); win.el.fadeOut({ listeners: { afteranimate: function () { win.destroy(); } } }); }; }
            availWidth = me.body.getWidth(true); availHeight = me.body.getHeight(true); if (win.height > availHeight) { win.height = availHeight; }
            if (win.width > availWidth) { win.width = availWidth; }
            return win;
    of the module desktop.js

    in the 2.1 it's is different, in the version 4.2 the win.resizer.heightIncrement= null

  8. #8
    We are investigating a possibility to get it working again.
  9. #9
    The fix has been committed to SVN (trunk, v2.2).

    Please update and retest.
  10. #10

    Fantastic...now work ok.


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