[FIXED] [#124] [2.x] TreePanel in a menu, in IE 9 clicking repeatedly on a node will hide the menu

  1. #1

    [FIXED] [#124] [2.x] TreePanel in a menu, in IE 9 clicking repeatedly on a node will hide the menu

    This is a weird one. Below there is a sample page. To reproduce:

    1. Open the page in IE 9.
    2. Click on the 'Tree 1' button to display the tree on the left. The 'Composers' node is expanded
    3. Now, click fast on the arrow of the 'Beethoven' node to expand and collapse repeatedly the node (keep clicking fast). Eventually the menu will disappear after a few clicks.

    This doesn't happen in FF (17, didn't upgrade yet to 18 due to a bug) and Chrome. In my app it usually happens pretty quickly (it seems random though).

    I also added a beforehide handler and it turns out that somehow, in IE9, the element being clicked on (which is a div containing the arrow image and text) is placed outside the menu therefore the !e.getTarget('.' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'menu')) expression is true and the menu is hidden.

    These are the two functions at the bottom of the stack.

    function anonymous(e, options, fn, scope, ename, dom, wrap, args, X, evtMgr) {
        if (!Ext) {
        e = new X.EventObjectImpl(e, false);
        var t = e.target,
        (wrap.task && clearTimeout(wrap.task));
        wrap.task = setTimeout(function () {
            result = fn.call(scope || dom, e, t, options); // <-- this is the function that gets invoked
            if (evtMgr.idleEvent.listeners.length) {
        }, 10);
        return result;
        onMouseDown: function(e) {
            var me = this,
                active = me.active,
                lastShow = me.lastShow;
            if (Ext.Date.getElapsed(lastShow) > 50 && active.length > 0 && !e.getTarget('.' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'menu')) {
                me.hideAll(); // <-- this is the function that gets invoked to hide the menu

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    //            for (int j = 0; j < data[i].Length; j++)
    //            {
    //                data[i][j] = string.Format("[{0},{1}]", i+1, j+1);
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    //        this.Store1.DataBind();
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          var cellSelect = function (grid, record, ceIlndex, textField, ctxMenu) {
            var name = grid.columns[ceIlndex].dataIndex,
                    value = record.get(name);
        <ext:ResourceManager ID="ResourceManager1" runat="server" />
        <h2>Tree Panel in menu</h2>
                Title="Hello World"  
                BodyStyle="background-color: #fff;" 
        <ext:Toolbar ID="Toolbar1" runat="server" Width="500">
                <ext:Button ID="Button5" runat="server" Text="Tree 1">
                        <ext:Menu ID="Menu3" runat="server">
    <%--                        <Listeners>--%>
    <%--                            <Show Handler="this.lockedHide = true;" />--%>
    <%--                            <BeforeHide Handler="return !this.lockedHide;" />--%>
    <%--                            <AfterRender Handler="var menu = this;--%>
    <%--                                                  Ext.EventManager.on(window, 'mouseup', function (e) {--%>
    <%--                                                      var t = Ext.fly(e.getTarget());--%>
    <%--                                                      if (!(t.parent('#' + menu.id) || t.parent('.x-grid-editor') || t.parent('.x-layer'))) {--%>
    <%--                                                          menu.lockedHide = false;--%>
    <%--                                                          menu.hide();--%>
    <%--                                                      }--%>
    <%--                                                  });" />--%>
    <%--                        </Listeners>--%>
                                      <ext:Toolbar ID="Toolbar2" runat="server">
                                              <ext:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Expand All">
                                                      <Click Handler="#{TreePanel1}.expandAll();" />
                                              <ext:Button ID="Button2" runat="server" Text="Collapse All">
                                                      <Click Handler="#{TreePanel1}.collapseAll();" />
                                      <ext:Node Text="Composers" Expanded="true">
                                              <ext:Node Text="Beethoven" Icon="UserGray" Qtip="Beethoven">
                                                      <ext:Node Text="Concertos" Qtip="Concertos">
                                                              <ext:Node Text="No. 1 - C" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" Qtip="No. 1 - C" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="No. 2 - B-Flat Major" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="No. 3 - C Minor" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="No. 4 - G Major" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="No. 5 - E-Flat Major" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                      <ext:Node Text="Quartets">
                                                              <ext:Node Text="Six String Quartets" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="Three String Quartets" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="Grosse Fugue for String Quartets" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                      <ext:Node Text="Sonatas">
                                                              <ext:Node Text="Sonata in A Minor" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="sonata in F Major" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                      <ext:Node Text="Symphonies">
                                                              <ext:Node Text="No. 1 - C Major" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="No. 2 - D Major" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="No. 3 - E-Flat Major" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="No. 4 - B-Flat Major" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="No. 5 - C Minor" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="No. 6 - F Major" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="No. 7 - A Major" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="No. 8 - F Major" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="No. 9 - D Minor" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                              <ext:Node Text="Brahms" Icon="UserGray">
                                                      <ext:Node Text="Concertos">
                                                              <ext:Node Text="Violin Concerto" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="Double Concerto - A Minor" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="Piano Concerto No. 1 - D Minor" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="Piano Concerto No. 2 - B-Flat Major" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                      <ext:Node Text="Quartets">
                                                              <ext:Node Text="Piano Quartet No. 1 - G Minor" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="Piano Quartet No. 2 - A Major" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="Piano Quartet No. 3 - C Minor" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="Piano Quartet No. 3 - B-Flat Minor" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                      <ext:Node Text="Sonatas">
                                                              <ext:Node Text="Two Sonatas for Clarinet - F Minor" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="Two Sonatas for Clarinet - E-Flat Major" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                      <ext:Node Text="Symphonies">
                                                              <ext:Node Text="No. 1 - C Minor" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="No. 2 - D Minor" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="No. 3 - F Major" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="No. 4 - E Minor" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                              <ext:Node Text="Mozart" Icon="UserGray">
                                                      <ext:Node Text="Concertos">
                                                              <ext:Node Text="Piano Concerto No. 12" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="Piano Concerto No. 17" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="Clarinet Concerto" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="Violin Concerto No. 5" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="Violin Concerto No. 4" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                      <ext:StatusBar ID="StatusBar1" runat="server" AutoClear="1500" />
                                          Handler="#{StatusBar1}.setStatus({text: 'Node Selected: <b>' + record.data.text + '<br />', clear: false});"                     
                                          Handler="#{StatusBar1}.setStatus({text: 'Node Expanded: <b>' + item.data.text + '<br />', clear: false});" 
                                          Handler="#{StatusBar1}.setStatus({text: 'Node Collapsed: <b>' + item.data.text + '<br />', clear: false});" 
                <ext:Button ID="Button3" runat="server" Text="Tree 2">
                        <ext:Menu ID="Menu1" runat="server">
    <%--                        <Listeners>--%>
    <%--                            <Show Handler="this.lockedHide = true;" />--%>
    <%--                            <BeforeHide Handler="return !this.lockedHide;" />--%>
    <%--                            <AfterRender Handler="var menu = this;--%>
    <%--                                                  Ext.EventManager.on(window, 'mouseup', function (e) {--%>
    <%--                                                      var t = Ext.fly(e.getTarget());--%>
    <%--                                                      if (!(t.parent('#' + menu.id) || t.parent('.x-grid-editor') || t.parent('.x-layer'))) {--%>
    <%--                                                          menu.lockedHide = false;--%>
    <%--                                                          menu.hide();--%>
    <%--                                                      }--%>
    <%--                                                  });" />--%>
    <%--                        </Listeners>--%>
                                      <ext:Toolbar ID="Toolbar3" runat="server">
                                              <ext:Button ID="Button4" runat="server" Text="Expand All">
                                                      <Click Handler="#{TreePanel1}.expandAll();" />
                                              <ext:Button ID="Button6" runat="server" Text="Collapse All">
                                                      <Click Handler="#{TreePanel1}.collapseAll();" />
                                      <ext:Node Text="Composers" Expanded="true">
                                              <ext:Node Text="Beethoven" Icon="UserGray">
                                                      <ext:Node Text="Concertos">
                                                              <ext:Node Text="No. 1 - C" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="No. 2 - B-Flat Major" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="No. 3 - C Minor" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="No. 4 - G Major" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="No. 5 - E-Flat Major" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                      <ext:Node Text="Quartets">
                                                              <ext:Node Text="Six String Quartets" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="Three String Quartets" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="Grosse Fugue for String Quartets" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                      <ext:Node Text="Sonatas">
                                                              <ext:Node Text="Sonata in A Minor" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="sonata in F Major" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                      <ext:Node Text="Symphonies">
                                                              <ext:Node Text="No. 1 - C Major" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="No. 2 - D Major" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="No. 3 - E-Flat Major" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="No. 4 - B-Flat Major" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="No. 5 - C Minor" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="No. 6 - F Major" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="No. 7 - A Major" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="No. 8 - F Major" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="No. 9 - D Minor" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                              <ext:Node Text="Brahms" Icon="UserGray">
                                                      <ext:Node Text="Concertos">
                                                              <ext:Node Text="Violin Concerto" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="Double Concerto - A Minor" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="Piano Concerto No. 1 - D Minor" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="Piano Concerto No. 2 - B-Flat Major" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                      <ext:Node Text="Quartets">
                                                              <ext:Node Text="Piano Quartet No. 1 - G Minor" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="Piano Quartet No. 2 - A Major" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="Piano Quartet No. 3 - C Minor" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="Piano Quartet No. 3 - B-Flat Minor" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                      <ext:Node Text="Sonatas">
                                                              <ext:Node Text="Two Sonatas for Clarinet - F Minor" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="Two Sonatas for Clarinet - E-Flat Major" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                      <ext:Node Text="Symphonies">
                                                              <ext:Node Text="No. 1 - C Minor" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="No. 2 - D Minor" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="No. 3 - F Major" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="No. 4 - E Minor" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                              <ext:Node Text="Mozart" Icon="UserGray">
                                                      <ext:Node Text="Concertos">
                                                              <ext:Node Text="Piano Concerto No. 12" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="Piano Concerto No. 17" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="Clarinet Concerto" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="Violin Concerto No. 5" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                                              <ext:Node Text="Violin Concerto No. 4" Icon="Music" Leaf="true" />
                                      <ext:StatusBar ID="StatusBar2" runat="server" AutoClear="1500" />
                                          Handler="#{StatusBar1}.setStatus({text: 'Node Selected: <b>' + record.data.text + '<br />', clear: false});"                     
                                          Handler="#{StatusBar1}.setStatus({text: 'Node Expanded: <b>' + item.data.text + '<br />', clear: false});" 
                                          Handler="#{StatusBar1}.setStatus({text: 'Node Collapsed: <b>' + item.data.text + '<br />', clear: false});" 
    Last edited by fabricio.murta; Apr 26, 2016 at 10:27 PM.
  2. #2

    Thank you. It seems that this problem also can be produced by fast click on anywhere inside TreePanel.

    We will investigate more.
  3. #3
    Hi everybody,

    I am able to reproduce it with Ext.NET with ease. Commonly, a menu collapses in a few moments after I start to click quickly.

    But somehow it is rather hard to reproduce with raw ExtJS. I was able to reproduce it a few times, but it was hard, my finger just tired to click:)

    Generally, I am trying to prepare a sample for a bug report to Sencha.
  4. #4
  5. #5
    Created an Issue to track it.
  6. #6

    According to Sencha, this issue has been fixed and should be in place for recent Ext.NET versions already!

    (this does not mean necessarily this has been fixed for Ext.NET 2 as with so many new features on 3.x and 4.x, there are some issues that are simply not feasible to fix on the legacy version!)
    Fabrício Murta
    Developer & Support Expert

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