[CLOSED] Columns not movable after migrated to v2.1.1

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] Columns not movable after migrated to v2.1.1

    Our columns on the grid panel are no longer movable after migrated to v2.1.1. Is there any workaround? Also, we checked the examples explorer and columns are not movable as well. Can you please advise?
    Last edited by Daniil; Jan 08, 2013 at 8:18 AM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2
    Hi @gets_gui,

    Thank you for the report!

    Please try this fix. Put it into the page's <head>.

        onNodeDrop: function (node, dragZone, e, data) {
            if (this.valid) {
                var dragHeader   = data.header,
                    dropLocation = this.getLocation(e, node),
                    targetHeader = dropLocation.header,
                    fromCt       = dragHeader.ownerCt,
                    localFromIdx = fromCt.items.indexOf(dragHeader), // Container.items is a MixedCollection
                    toCt         = targetHeader.ownerCt,
                    localToIdx   = toCt.items.indexOf(targetHeader),
                    headerCt     = this.headerCt,
                    fromIdx      = headerCt.getHeaderIndex(dragHeader),
                    colsToMove   = dragHeader.isGroupHeader ? dragHeader.query(':not([isGroupHeader]):not([isComponentHeader])').length : 1,
                    toIdx        = headerCt.getHeaderIndex(targetHeader),
                // Drop position is to the right of the targetHeader, increment the toIdx correctly
                if (dropLocation.pos === 'after') {
                    toIdx += targetHeader.isGroupHeader ? targetHeader.query(':not([isGroupHeader]):not([isComponentHeader])').length : 1;
                // If we are dragging in between two HeaderContainers that have had the lockable
                // mixin injected we will lock/unlock headers in between sections, and then continue
                // with another execution of onNodeDrop to ensure the header is dropped into the correct group
                if (data.isLock) {
                    scrollerOwner = fromCt.up('[scrollerOwner]');
                    scrollerOwner.lock(dragHeader, localToIdx);
                    data.isLock = false;
                    // Now that the header has been transferred into the correct HeaderContainer, recurse, and continue the drop operation with the same dragData
                    this.onNodeDrop(node, dragZone, e, data);
                } else if (data.isUnlock) {
                    scrollerOwner = fromCt.up('[scrollerOwner]');
                    scrollerOwner.unlock(dragHeader, localToIdx);
                    data.isUnlock = false;
                    // Now that the header has been transferred into the correct HeaderContainer, recurse, and continue the drop operation with the same dragData
                    this.onNodeDrop(node, dragZone, e, data);
                // This is a drop within the same HeaderContainer.
                else {
                    // Dragging within the same container.
                    if ((fromCt === toCt) && (localToIdx > localFromIdx)) {
                        // A no-op. This can happen when cross lockable drag operations recurse (see above).
                        if (localToIdx === localFromIdx) {
                        // If dragging rightwards, then after removal, the insertion index will be less.
                        if (localToIdx > localFromIdx) {
                            localToIdx -= 1;
                    // Suspend layouts while we sort all this out.
                    // Remove dragged header from where it was.
                    if (fromCt !== toCt) {
                        fromCt.remove(dragHeader, false);
                        // Dragged the last header out of the fromCt group... The fromCt group must die
                        if (fromCt.isGroupHeader) {
                            if (!fromCt.items.getCount()) {
                                groupCt = fromCt.ownerCt;
                                groupCt.remove(fromCt, false);
                    // Move dragged header into its drop position
                    if (fromCt === toCt) {
                        toCt.move(localFromIdx, localToIdx);
                    } else {
                        toCt.insert(localToIdx, dragHeader);
                    // Group headers acquire the aggregate width of their child headers
                    // Therefore a child header may not flex; it must contribute a fixed width.
                    // But we restore the flex value when moving back into the main header container
                    if (toCt.isGroupHeader) {
                        // Adjust the width of the "to" group header only if we dragged in from somewhere else.
                        if (toCt !== fromCt) {
                            dragHeader.savedFlex = dragHeader.flex;
                            delete dragHeader.flex;
                            dragHeader.width = dragHeader.getWidth();
                    } else {
                        if (dragHeader.savedFlex) {
                            dragHeader.flex = dragHeader.savedFlex;
                            delete dragHeader.width;
                    // Refresh columns cache in case we remove an emptied group column
                    headerCt.onHeaderMoved(dragHeader, colsToMove, fromIdx, toIdx);
                    // Emptied group header can only be destroyed after the header and grid have been refreshed
                    if (!fromCt.items.getCount()) {
  3. #3
    Would it be rolled into a hotfix later?

    Quote Originally Posted by Daniil View Post
    Hi @gets_gui,

    Thank you for the report!

    Please try this fix. Put it into the page's <head>.

        onNodeDrop: function (node, dragZone, e, data) {
            if (this.valid) {
                var dragHeader   = data.header,
                    dropLocation = this.getLocation(e, node),
                    targetHeader = dropLocation.header,
                    fromCt       = dragHeader.ownerCt,
                    localFromIdx = fromCt.items.indexOf(dragHeader), // Container.items is a MixedCollection
                    toCt         = targetHeader.ownerCt,
                    localToIdx   = toCt.items.indexOf(targetHeader),
                    headerCt     = this.headerCt,
                    fromIdx      = headerCt.getHeaderIndex(dragHeader),
                    colsToMove   = dragHeader.isGroupHeader ? dragHeader.query(':not([isGroupHeader]):not([isComponentHeader])').length : 1,
                    toIdx        = headerCt.getHeaderIndex(targetHeader),
                // Drop position is to the right of the targetHeader, increment the toIdx correctly
                if (dropLocation.pos === 'after') {
                    toIdx += targetHeader.isGroupHeader ? targetHeader.query(':not([isGroupHeader]):not([isComponentHeader])').length : 1;
                // If we are dragging in between two HeaderContainers that have had the lockable
                // mixin injected we will lock/unlock headers in between sections, and then continue
                // with another execution of onNodeDrop to ensure the header is dropped into the correct group
                if (data.isLock) {
                    scrollerOwner = fromCt.up('[scrollerOwner]');
                    scrollerOwner.lock(dragHeader, localToIdx);
                    data.isLock = false;
                    // Now that the header has been transferred into the correct HeaderContainer, recurse, and continue the drop operation with the same dragData
                    this.onNodeDrop(node, dragZone, e, data);
                } else if (data.isUnlock) {
                    scrollerOwner = fromCt.up('[scrollerOwner]');
                    scrollerOwner.unlock(dragHeader, localToIdx);
                    data.isUnlock = false;
                    // Now that the header has been transferred into the correct HeaderContainer, recurse, and continue the drop operation with the same dragData
                    this.onNodeDrop(node, dragZone, e, data);
                // This is a drop within the same HeaderContainer.
                else {
                    // Dragging within the same container.
                    if ((fromCt === toCt) && (localToIdx > localFromIdx)) {
                        // A no-op. This can happen when cross lockable drag operations recurse (see above).
                        if (localToIdx === localFromIdx) {
                        // If dragging rightwards, then after removal, the insertion index will be less.
                        if (localToIdx > localFromIdx) {
                            localToIdx -= 1;
                    // Suspend layouts while we sort all this out.
                    // Remove dragged header from where it was.
                    if (fromCt !== toCt) {
                        fromCt.remove(dragHeader, false);
                        // Dragged the last header out of the fromCt group... The fromCt group must die
                        if (fromCt.isGroupHeader) {
                            if (!fromCt.items.getCount()) {
                                groupCt = fromCt.ownerCt;
                                groupCt.remove(fromCt, false);
                    // Move dragged header into its drop position
                    if (fromCt === toCt) {
                        toCt.move(localFromIdx, localToIdx);
                    } else {
                        toCt.insert(localToIdx, dragHeader);
                    // Group headers acquire the aggregate width of their child headers
                    // Therefore a child header may not flex; it must contribute a fixed width.
                    // But we restore the flex value when moving back into the main header container
                    if (toCt.isGroupHeader) {
                        // Adjust the width of the "to" group header only if we dragged in from somewhere else.
                        if (toCt !== fromCt) {
                            dragHeader.savedFlex = dragHeader.flex;
                            delete dragHeader.flex;
                            dragHeader.width = dragHeader.getWidth();
                    } else {
                        if (dragHeader.savedFlex) {
                            dragHeader.flex = dragHeader.savedFlex;
                            delete dragHeader.width;
                    // Refresh columns cache in case we remove an emptied group column
                    headerCt.onHeaderMoved(dragHeader, colsToMove, fromIdx, toIdx);
                    // Emptied group header can only be destroyed after the header and grid have been refreshed
                    if (!fromCt.items.getCount()) {
  4. #4
    Yes, we will add that fix to 'branch 2' (2.1.1 version) and to trunk (current version under develoment)

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