Relation between pageSize, trailingBufferZone and leadingBufferZone

  1. #1

    Relation between pageSize, trailingBufferZone and leadingBufferZone


    It is recommended to tune the pageSize, trailingBufferZone and leadingBufferZone configurations based upon the conditions pertaining in your deployed application.

    If pageSize is 25, What is the trailingBufferZone and leadingBufferZone values.


                        TrailingBufferZone="What to fill in this(Value)"
                        LeadingBufferZone="What to fill in this(Value)"
  2. #2
    According to Ext.Net Documentation

    When buffered, the number of extra rows to keep cached on the leading side of scrolling buffer as scrolling proceeds. A larger number means fewer replenishments from the server. Defaults to: 200

    When buffered, the number of extra records to keep cached on the trailing side of scrolling buffer as scrolling proceeds. A larger number means fewer replenishments from the server. Defaults to: 25
  3. #3
    Hi Raphael Saldanha,

    I want to know the tuning between pagesize, leadingBufferSize and trailingBufferSize. i.e. I want to know, if pagesize is 25 so what should be the leadingBufferSize and trailingBufferSize.

    Thanks for the reply!
  4. #4
    Ok thanks for the help!

    I just want to know that, how can i achieve a single ajax call at a time, just like in paging.

    Now it was calling a three ajax calls at time.

  5. #5
    Hello everybody,

    Here are interesting threads:

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