[CLOSED] Problem with FileUploadField

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  1. #1

    [CLOSED] Problem with FileUploadField

    I have tested your "File Upload Field" example, I have updated svn today "At revision: 4635".
    When I press "BasicField" FileUploadField I take an error:

    var v=this.fileInputEl.dom.value

    Cannot read property 'dom' of undefined

    I have tested with IE8, Chrome 23.0.1271.95 m, Firefox 14.0.1.

    Thank you.


    <%@ Page Language="C#" %>
    <%@ Register Assembly="Ext.Net" Namespace="Ext.Net" TagPrefix="ext" %>
    <script runat="server">
        protected void UploadClick(object sender, DirectEventArgs e)
            string tpl = "Uploaded file: {0}<br/>Size: {1} bytes";
            if (this.FileUploadField1.HasFile)
               X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig
                    Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK,
                    Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO,
                    Title = "Success",
                    Message = string.Format(tpl, this.FileUploadField1.PostedFile.FileName, this.FileUploadField1.PostedFile.ContentLength)
               X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig
                    Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK,
                    Icon = MessageBox.Icon.ERROR,
                    Title = "Fail",
                    Message = "No file uploaded"
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <head id="Head1" runat="server">
        <title>FormPanel - Ext.NET Examples</title>
        <link href="/resources/css/examples.css" rel="stylesheet" />
            #fi-button-msg {
                border: 2px solid #ccc;
                padding: 5px 10px;
                background: #eee;
                margin: 5px;
                float: left;
          var showFile = function (fb, v) {
            if (v) {
              var el = Ext.get('fi-button-msg');
              el.update('<b>Selected:</b> ' + v);
              if (!el.isVisible()) {
                el.slideIn('t', {
                  duration: .2,
                  easing: 'easeIn',
                  callback: function () {
              } else {
        <form id="Form1" runat="server">
            <ext:ResourceManager ID="ResourceManager1" runat="server" />
            <h1>File Upload Field</h1>
            <h2>Basic FileUpload</h2>
            <p>A typical file upload field with Ext style.  Direct editing of the text field cannot be done in a 
                consistent, cross-browser way, so it is always read-only in this implementation.</p>
            <ext:FileUploadField ID="BasicField" runat="server" Width="400" Icon="Attach" />
            <ext:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Get File Path">
                    <Click Handler="var v = #{BasicField}.getValue(); Ext.Msg.alert('Selected&nbsp;File', v && v != '' ? v : 'None');" />
            <h2>Basic FileUpload (Button-only)</h2>
            <p>You can also render the file input as a button without the text field, with access to the field's value via the 
                standard <tt>TextField</tt> interface or by handling the <tt>FileSelected</tt> event (as in this example).</p>
            <ext:FileUploadField ID="FileUploadField1" runat="server" ButtonOnly="true">
                    <Change Fn="showFile" />
            <div id="fi-button-msg" style="display:none;"></div>
            <div class="x-clear"></div>
            <h2>Form Example</h2>
            <p>The FileUploadField can also be used in standard form layouts, with support for anchoring, validation (the
                field is required in this example), empty text, etc.</p>
                Title="File Upload Form"
                PaddingSummary="10px 10px 0 10px"
                    <ext:Parameter Name="anchor" Value="95%" Mode="Value" />
                    <ext:Parameter Name="allowBlank" Value="false" Mode="Raw" />
                    <ext:Parameter Name="msgTarget" Value="side" Mode="Value" />
                    <ext:TextField ID="PhotoName" runat="server" FieldLabel="Name" />
                        EmptyText="Select an image"
                    <ValidityChange Handler="#{SaveButton}.setDisabled(!valid);" />
                    <ext:Button ID="SaveButton" runat="server" Text="Save" Disabled="true">
                                Before="if (!#{BasicForm}.getForm().isValid()) { return false; } 
                                    Ext.Msg.wait('Uploading your photo...', 'Uploading');"
                                    title   : 'Error', 
                                    msg     : 'Error during uploading', 
                                    minWidth: 200, 
                                    modal   : true, 
                                    icon    : Ext.Msg.ERROR, 
                                    buttons : Ext.Msg.OK 
                    <ext:Button ID="Button2" runat="server" Text="Reset">
                            <Click Handler="#{BasicForm}.getForm().reset();" />
    Last edited by Daniil; Dec 07, 2012 at 2:15 PM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2
    Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce the issue, all work fine on my side
    May be you can provide more details? Or can you create online test sample?
  3. #3
    Hi Vladimir,
    I have tested the example in my Asp.net Development Server on my XP pro with Ext.Net.vs2010.sln with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Professional Version 10.0.40219.1 SP1Rel Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.0.30319 SP1Rel
    I launch the Default.aspx page in Ext.Net.Examples, after I open the Form --> FileUploadField --> Basic
    In firefox Firebug I take the "TypeError: this.fileInputEl is undefined var v = this.fileInputEl.dom.value, ext.axd?v=21097 (row 7365)"

    Beautify code

        stripPath: true,
        isIconIgnore: function () {
            return true;
        onFileChange: function () {
            this.lastValue = null;
            if (this.stripPath === false) {
                Ext.form.field.File.superclass.setValue.call(this, this.fileInputEl.dom.value);
    //THIS ROW  *******************
            var v = this.fileInputEl.dom.value,
                fileNameRegex = /[^\\]*$/im,
                match = fileNameRegex.exec(v);
            if (match !== null) {
                v = match[0];
            Ext.form.field.File.superclass.setValue.call(this, v);
        onEnable: function () {
            var me = this;
            me.browseButtonWrap.child('.x-btn').removeCls(["x-item-disabled", "x-btn-disabled"]);
        disableItems: function () {
            var file = this.fileInputEl;
            if (file) {
                file.dom.disabled = true;
            this['buttonEl-btnEl'].dom.disabled = true;
            this.browseButtonWrap.child('.x-btn').addCls(["x-item-disabled", "x-btn-disabled"]);
        checkChange: function () {
            if (!this.suspendCheckChange) {
                var me = this,
                    newVal = me.getValue(),
                    oldVal = me.lastValue;
                if (!me.isEqual(newVal, oldVal) && !me.isDestroyed && !Ext.isEmpty(newVal)) {
                    me.lastValue = newVal;
                    me.fireEvent('change', me, newVal, oldVal);
                    me.onChange(newVal, oldVal);
    I have created an example page online:

    Thank you

  4. #4
    Hi Jimmy,

    Thank you for the online sample. It reproduces the problem.

    I tried Ext.getVersion() in FireBug. It returns

    But with the latest code from SVN trunk it returns

    Probably, your project refers old Ext.Net.dll. Please ensure.
  5. #5
    Hi Daniil,
    I use this url
    for SVN.

    Is it correct?

  6. #6
    The latest sources are in the trunk now after the v2.1 release.
  7. #7
    Hi Daniil,
    with http://svn.ext.net/premium/trunk/ the fileuploadfield works fine.
    Sorry for my mistake, however you have stopped to update http://svn.ext.net/premium/branches/2.1 few days ago :-)

    Thank you very much

  8. #8
    Sorry for the inconvenience.
  9. #9

    I use the lastest version from 2.1 branch and have not an opportunity to migrate to the trunk at this moment. Could you suggets a fix for this issue based on 2.1 branch?

    Best regards.
  10. #10

    Recently, I made the commit to the 2.1 branch to cover this case (and others). Please try to update and retest.

    If you don't want to update to exclude a possibility to get something broken, please try this fix:

        stripPath : true,
        isIconIgnore : function () {
            return true;
        onFileChange : function () {
            this.lastValue = null;
            if (this.stripPath === false) {
                Ext.form.field.File.superclass.setValue.call(this, this.button.fileInputEl.dom.value);
            var v = this.button.fileInputEl.dom.value,                
                fileNameRegex = /[^\\]*$/im,
                match = fileNameRegex.exec(v);
            if (match !== null) {
                v = match[0];
            Ext.form.field.File.superclass.setValue.call(this, v);
        onEnable: function () {
            var me = this;
        reset : function () {        
            if (this.disabled) {
                this.button.fileInputEl.dom.disabled = true;
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