Problem with Dynamic window, store and grid

  1. #1

    Problem with Dynamic window, store and grid


    I'm trying to pop up new window from DirectMethod, Here is the code:
    public void CreateNewMBOWindow(string symbol)
                Ext.Net.Window w = new Window("MBO - " + symbol);
                w.Width = 420;
                w.Height = 300;
                w.Layout = "HBox";            
                w.ID = "wndMBO" + symbol;
                w.IDMode = IDMode.Explicit;
                w.CloseAction = CloseAction.Destroy;
                Store bidPriceStore = new Store();
                bidPriceStore.ID = "strMboBidSide" + symbol;
                bidPriceStore.IDMode = IDMode.Explicit;
                bidPriceStore.Reader.Add(new JsonReader());
                bidPriceStore.Model.Add(new Model());
                bidPriceStore.AddField(new ModelField("Position", ModelFieldType.Int));
                bidPriceStore.AddField(new ModelField("Volume", ModelFieldType.Int));
                bidPriceStore.AddField(new ModelField("Price", ModelFieldType.Float));
                GridPanel bidGrid = new GridPanel();
                bidGrid.Width = 210;
                bidGrid.ID = "grpMboBidSide" + symbol;
                Column col = new Column();
                col.Text = "Bid Volume";
                col.DataIndex = "Volume";
                col = new Column();
                col.Text = "Bid Price";
                col.DataIndex = "Price";
                bidPriceStore.Data = State.SymbolControler.Instance.Find(x => x.SymbolCode == symbol).BidOrderList;
    Every thing is OK, except that there is no data displayed in Grid. I can see that the grid is binding whit data and after very short interval of time grid is getting empty. After this i'm sending data via SignalR and grid is woring OK.

    Thanks in advance,

  2. #2
    You have to set Data before window rendering
  3. #3
    Thanks Vladimir, I wasn't seeing obvious thing.

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