
I'm trying to get a control inside of a dynamic panel that loads a usercontrol. The Control that I'm trying to find on a DirectEvent is inside the loaded usercontrol (Gridpanel). Can anyone help me? Here you can find my code:

<ext:Label ID="LabelTitel" runat="server" Height="50" />
<ext:Hidden ID="HiddenVerplicht" runat="server" />
<ext:GridPanel ID="GridPanelSpecificatie" runat="server" Layout="FitLayout" Scroll="Vertical" AutoScroll="true" Flex="1">
        <ext:Store runat="server">
                <ext:Model runat="server" IDProperty="Id">
                        <ext:ModelField Name="Id" />
                        <ext:ModelField Name="Naam" />
            <ext:Column runat="server" DataIndex="Naam" Flex="1" Border="false" />
        <ext:CheckboxSelectionModel ID="CheckboxSelectionModel_GridPanelSpecificatie" runat="server">
                <SelectionChange Fn="GridPanelSpecificatie_SelectionChange" />
Dynamic Panel Load + Usercontrol (recreated every page load):
            foreach (var Specificatie in AlleSpecificaties)
                // control - gridpanel
                var CtrlSpecificatie = this.LoadControl("~/controls/gridpanels/specificatie_gridpanel.ascx") as specificatie_gridpanel;
                CtrlSpecificatie.ID = "CtrlSpecificatie_" + Specificatie.Id;
                CtrlSpecificatie.Specificatie = Specificatie;
                CtrlSpecificatie.Titel = "<h1>[Stap " + iStap + "] - Selecteer de product specificaties - " + Specificatie.Naam + ".</h1>";

                // panel
                var PanelSpecificatie = new Panel();
                PanelSpecificatie.ID = "PanelSpecificatie_" + Specificatie.Id;
                PanelSpecificatie.BodyPadding = 10;
                PanelSpecificatie.Layout = "VBoxLayout";
                PanelSpecificatie.LayoutConfig.Add(new VBoxLayoutConfig { Pack = BoxPack.Start, Align = VBoxAlign.Stretch });
                PanelSpecificatie.Listeners.Activate.Fn = "SpecificatiesWizardPanel_Activatie";

                // controle
                if (Specificaties.Distinct().Contains(Specificatie))
                    CtrlSpecificatie.Titel += " - boe";



Panel - Cardlayout (steps):
<ext:Panel runat="server" Title="Details - Stappen" ID="PanelStappenWizard" Icon="ApplicationCascade" Layout="CardLayout" ActiveIndex="0" Flex="1" BodyPaddingSummary="10 0 0 0" Frame="true">
        <%-- stap 1 --%>
        <ext:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server" BodyPadding="10" Layout="VBoxLayout">
                <ext:VBoxLayoutConfig Align="Stretch" Pack="Start" />
                <ext:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Html="<h1>[Stap 1] - Selecteer de categorie(en).</h1>" Height="50" />
        <%-- stap 2 --%>
        <ext:Panel ID="Panel2" runat="server" BodyPadding="10" Layout="VBoxLayout">
                <ext:VBoxLayoutConfig Align="Stretch" Pack="Start" />
                <ext:Label ID="Label3" runat="server" Html="<h1>[Stap 2] - Is dit een nieuw product?</h1>" Height="50" />
        <%-- stap 3 --%>
        <ext:Panel ID="Panel3" runat="server" BodyPadding="10" Layout="VBoxLayout">
                <ext:VBoxLayoutConfig Align="Stretch" Pack="Start" />
                <ext:Label ID="Label4" runat="server" Html="<h1>[Stap 3] - Selecteer het merk uit de lijst.</h1>" Height="50" />
        <%-- stap 4 --%>
        <ext:Panel ID="Panel4" runat="server" BodyPadding="10" Layout="VBoxLayout">
                <ext:VBoxLayoutConfig Align="Stretch" Pack="Start" />
                <ext:Label ID="Label5" runat="server" Html="<h1>[Stap 4] - Geef het product eventueel een naam en/of omschrijving.</h1>" Height="50" />