Moving column in gridpanel

  1. #1

    Moving column in gridpanel


    I've 20 coulmns in my gridpanel. I'm able to move only first 4 columns. The rest of columns are not able to move.
    My requirement is to keep moving colmns in different position.

    Please help.
  2. #2
    Try to set Draggable property to false, as shown below:
    <ext:Column ID="Column1" runat="server" Text="ID" DataIndex="ID" Draggable="false" />
  3. #3

    Moving column in gridpanel

    I couldnt find Draggable property in <ext:coulmn> tag I'm using EXT.Net1.5. However, I tried setting draggable properrty in grid panel. But still its not working. Here is the code snippet. Please advise

    <ext:Panel runat="server" ID="displayPanel" Height="500" >

    <ext:HBoxLayoutConfig Align="Stretch" Padding="5" />

    <ext:GridPanel runat="server" StripeRows="true" DisableSelection="true" EnableColumnMove="true"
    ID="grdPanel" StoreID="store1" Draggable="false" >
    <ColumnModel runat="server">
    <ext:Column ColumnID="Name" Header="SUPPLIER PRODUCT ID" DataIndex="SUPPLIERPRODUCTID"></ext:Column>
    <ext:Column ColumnID="Add" Header="PRODUCT CODE" DataIndex="PRODUCT_CODE"></ext:Column>
    <ext:Column ColumnID="Phone" Header="CONTENTION RATIO ID" DataIndex="CONTENTION_RATIO_ID"></ext:Column>
    <ext:Column ColumnID="Phone1" Header="CONTENTION VALUE" DataIndex="CONTENTION_VALUE"></ext:Column>
    <ext:Column ColumnID="Phone1" Header="DSL PACKAGE ID" DataIndex="DSL_PACKAGE_ID"></ext:Column>
    <ext:Column ColumnID="Phone1" Header="DSL PACKAGE NAME" DataIndex="DSL_PACKAGE_NAME"></ext:Column>
    <ext:Column ColumnID="Phone1" Header="DSL SUPPLY TYPE ID" DataIndex="DSL_SUPPLY_TYPE_ID"></ext:Column>
    <ext:Column ColumnID="Phone1" Header="DSL SUPPLY TYPE NAME" DataIndex="DSL_SUPPLY_TYPE_NAME"></ext:Column>
    <ext:Column ColumnID="Phone1" Header="ACCESS MODEL ID" DataIndex="ACCESS_MODEL_ID"></ext:Column>
    <ext:Column ColumnID="Phone1" Header="ACCESS MODEL NAME" DataIndex="ACCESS_MODEL_NAME"></ext:Column>
    <ext:Column ColumnID="Phone1" Header="SPLITTER_INCLUDED_ISDN" DataIndex="SPLITTER_INCLUDED_ISDN"></ext:Column>
    <ext:Column ColumnID="Phone1" Header="SPLITTER_INCLUDED_PSTN" DataIndex="SPLITTER_INCLUDED_PSTN"></ext:Column>
    <ext:Column ColumnID="Phone1" Header="INTERCONNECT_DESIGN_ID" DataIndex="INTERCONNECT_DESIGN_ID"></ext:Column>
    <ext:Column ColumnID="Phone1" Header="INTERCONNECT_DESIGN_NAME" DataIndex="INTERCONNECT_DESIGN_NAME"></ext:Column>
    <ext:Column ColumnID="Phone1" Header="ENCAPSULATION_ID" DataIndex="ENCAPSULATION_ID"></ext:Column>
    <ext:Column ColumnID="Phone1" Header="ENCAPSULATION_NAME" DataIndex="ENCAPSULATION_NAME"></ext:Column>
    <ext:Column ColumnID="Phone1" Header="LOCAL_LOOP_TYPE_ID" DataIndex="LOCAL_LOOP_TYPE_ID"></ext:Column>
    <ext:Column ColumnID="Phone1" Header="LOCAL_LOOP_TYPE_NAME" DataIndex="LOCAL_LOOP_TYPE_NAME"></ext:Column>
    <ext:Column ColumnID="Phone1" Header="LOCAL_LOOP_LEAD_TIME" DataIndex="LOCAL_LOOP_LEAD_TIME"></ext:Column>
    <ext:Column ColumnID="Phone1" Header="CE_VCI" DataIndex="CE_VCI"></ext:Column>
    <ext:Column ColumnID="Phone1" Header="CE_VPI" DataIndex="CE_VPI"></ext:Column>
    <ext:Column ColumnID="Phone1" Header="ACCESS_PROVIDER_ID" DataIndex="ACCESS_PROVIDER_ID"></ext:Column>
    <ext:Column ColumnID="Phone1" Header="ACCESS_PROVIDER_NAME" DataIndex="ACCESS_PROVIDER_NAME"></ext:Column>

  4. #4
    Please wrap all code samples in [CODE] tags.

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  5. #5
    As far as i can see it's not possible to disable the move for an specific column

    Please set up GridPanel's EnableColumnMove to false!...ableColumnMove
  6. #6
    I found an thread that may help you to accomplish this task:

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