Pressing enter in a textarea submits the form

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  1. #1

    Pressing enter in a textarea submits the form

    When enter is pressed in the Notes field, the form is submitted. What have I done that it is not inserting a new line?

    @using Ext.Net.MVC<!DOCTYPE html>
        <link href="@Url.Content("~/Content/Site_ext.css")" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
                      @Html.X().Panel().Layout(LayoutType.Border).Items(i =>
                                                                                        .BodyStyle("background-color: #5c87b2; padding: 1px;")
                                                                                        .ContentFromPage(this, "_Header.cshtml"));
                                                                                        .ItemsFromSection(this, "body", true));
    Partial Code
    @model Admin.Models.dbo.Customer@using Admin.CRM
    @using Admin.Models.dbo
    @using Admin.Util
    @using ExtensionMethods = Admin.Util.ExtensionMethods
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var populateForm = function (combo, records, eOpts) {
            var data = records[0].data;
        var isCreate = ViewContext.RouteData.Values["action"].ToString() == "Create";
     @Html.X().Panel().Border(false).Items(pi => pi.Add(
                   .Title((isCreate ? "Create" : "Edit") + " Company")
                   .Buttons(b =>
                                    var txt = isCreate ? "Create Company" : "Save";
                                    var save = new Button { Text = txt, FormBind = true };
                                    save.Listeners.Click.Handler = "App.FPl.submit();";
                   .Items(i =>
                                  var leftPanel = new Panel { Layout = "AnchorLayout", ColumnWidth = 0.7, Border = false };
                                  var rightPanel = new Panel { Layout = "AnchorLayout", ColumnWidth = 0.3, Border = false };
                                  var defaultsLeft = new ParameterCollection { new Parameter("LabelWidth", "200"), new Parameter("LabelAlign", "right"), new Parameter("Anchor", "100%") };
                                  var defaultsRight = new ParameterCollection { new Parameter("LabelWidth", "150"), new Parameter("LabelAlign", "right"), new Parameter("Anchor", "100%") };
                                  var companyName = @Html.X().ComboBox()
                                      .FieldLabel("Pull data from InfusionSoft")
                                      .EmptyText("Find company in InfusionSoft")
                                      .Triggers(t => t.Add(new FieldTrigger { Icon = TriggerIcon.Clear, Qtip = "Clear" }))
                                      .Listeners(l => l.TriggerClick.Handler = "this.removeByValue(this.getValue());this.clearValue();")
                                      .Store(s =>
                                                     var store = new Store { AutoLoad = false };
                                                     var proxy = new AjaxProxy { Url = "/webservices/InfusionSoft/FindCompany.ashx" };
                                                     var reader = new JsonReader { Root = "companies", TotalProperty = "total" };
                                                     proxy.ActionMethods.Read = HttpMethod.POST;
                                                     var model = new Model();
                                                     typeof(Company).GetPropertyList().ForEach(p => model.Fields.Add(p));
                                      .Listeners(l => { l.Select.Fn = "populateForm"; });
                                  var country = @Html.X().ComboBox()
                                      .ToolTips(tt=>tt.Add(new ToolTip{ Html= "Important - Creates either UK or IRL categories" }))
                                      .Store(s =>
                                          var store = new Store { };
                                          var model = new Model { };
                                          store.DataSource = ViewBag.Countries;
                                  leftPanel.Items.AddRange(new AbstractComponent[]
                                                                   new Label {Html = "&nbsp;"},
                                                                   ExtensionMethods.SetV(new TextField {ID = "CompanyName", FieldLabel = "Company Name", AllowBlank = false}, ViewContext, Model, model => model.CompanyName),
                                                                   ExtensionMethods.SetV(country, ViewContext, Model, model => model.CountryId),
                                                                   ExtensionMethods.SetV(new TextField {ID = "Addr1", FieldLabel = "Addr1"}, ViewContext, Model, model => model.Addr1),
                                                                   ExtensionMethods.SetV(new TextField {ID = "Addr2", FieldLabel = "Addr2"}, ViewContext, Model, model => model.Addr2),
                                                                   ExtensionMethods.SetV(new TextField {ID = "Addr3", FieldLabel = "Addr3"}, ViewContext, Model, model => model.Addr3),
                                                                   ExtensionMethods.SetV(new TextField {ID = "Addr4", FieldLabel = "Addr4"}, ViewContext, Model, model => model.Addr4),
                                                                   ExtensionMethods.SetV(new TextField {ID = "PostCode", FieldLabel = "Post Code"}, ViewContext, Model, model => model.PostCode),
                                                                   ExtensionMethods.SetV(new TextField {ID = "Phone1", FieldLabel = "Phone 1"}, ViewContext, Model, model => model.Phone1),
                                                                   ExtensionMethods.SetV(new TextArea {ID = "Notes", FieldLabel = "Notes", Height = 200, AutoHeight = true}, ViewContext, Model, model => model.Notes),
                                  if (isCreate)
                                      rightPanel.Items.AddRange(new AbstractComponent[]
                                                                        new DisplayField {FieldLabel = "AutoRec Credits", Text = "This will be available after you create the company."},
                                      rightPanel.Items.AddRange(new AbstractComponent[]
                                                                        new TextField {ID = "AvailableCredits", FieldLabel = "Available Credits", Value = Model.CustomerCredit.AvailableCredits},
                                                                        new DisplayField {FieldLabel = "Total Credits Used", Text = Model.CustomerCredit.TotalCreditsUsed.ToString()},
                                                                        new DisplayField {FieldLabel = "Total Pages Used", Text = Model.CustomerCredit.TotalPagesUsed.ToString()},
                                                                        new Hidden {ID = "CustomerId", Value = Model.CustomerId},
    using System;using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Linq.Expressions;
    using System.Web;
    using System.Web.Mvc;
    using Ext.Net;
    namespace Admin.Util
        public static class ExtensionMethods
            public static Field SetV<T>(Field field, ViewContext viewContext, T model, Func<T, object> memberExpression)
                if (model != null)
                    var value = memberExpression.Invoke(model);
                    field.Value = value;
                return field;
            public static Field SetEditValue(this Field field, ViewContext viewContext, int value)
                field.Value = value;
                return field;
            public static Field SetEditValue(this Field field, ViewContext viewContext, int? value)
                field.Value = value;
                return field;
            public static Field SetEditValue(this Field field, ViewContext viewContext, string value)
                field.Value = value;
                return field;
            public static List<string> GetPropertyList(this Type type)
                return type.GetProperties().Select(r => r.Name).OrderBy(r => r).ToList();
    Last edited by mj.daly; Nov 06, 2012 at 5:17 PM.
  2. #2
    <form id="Form1" runat="server">
    <ext:ResourceManager ID="ResourceManager1" runat="server" />
    <ext:TextField FieldLabel="Press Enter" AnchorHorizontal="100%" runat="server">
            <SpecialKey Fn="StopIfEnter" />
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var StopIfEnter = function (field, e) {
            if (e.getKey() == e.ENTER) {
  3. #3
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but that code should not be needed.

    If that code is needed then either Ext.Net or ExtJS is breaking the normal/ expected behaviour of HTML controls?
  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by mj.daly View Post
    If that code is needed then either Ext.Net or ExtJS is breaking the normal/ expected behaviour of HTML controls?
    There is the same behavior with a pure <textarea> HTML element.

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