SOLUTION for Ext.NET v1: Calendar with both edit window and form fully localized and customized!

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  1. #1

    SOLUTION for Ext.NET v1: Calendar with both edit window and form fully localized and customized!


    This is not a question. I've asked many questions in the forum and I thought I should give something back to help the community, instead. This solution is scattered in more than a dozen thread posts plus you will not find a CRUD sample like this with proper add/update/delete of events in database. Pay particular attention at how the ID (EventId) of the newly added database record is returned to the client so as to update the eventstore.

    The following sample implements the requirements below:

    1. CSS for the calendar groups
    2. Overriden Event object with custom field
    3. Fully localized event edit window
    4. Fully localized and customized event edit form
    5. CRUD operations PER EVENT RECORD using web service to access the database (i.e, the database is updated as soon as a new record is added / updated / deleted). NO SUBMIT BUTTON NEEDED!

    The Event class:
    • CalendarId
    • EndDate
    • EventId (Primary Key)
    • IsAllDay
    • IsNew
    • Location
    • Notes
    • Reminder
    • StartDate
    • Title
    • Url
    • MyCustomField1 (extra custom field)

    <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="WebApplication1._Default" %>
    <%@ Register assembly="Ext.Net" namespace="Ext.Net" tagprefix="ext" %>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <head id="Head1" runat="server">   
        <title>Ext.Net Full Custom and Local Calendar</title>  
        <style type="text/css">
            .ext-ie .ext-color-4-ad,
            .ext-opera .ext-color-4-ad {
                color: #663300;
            .ext-cal-day-col .ext-color-4,
            .ext-dd-drag-proxy .ext-color-4,
            .ext-color-4-ad .ext-cal-evm,
            .ext-color-4 .ext-cal-picker-icon,
            .ext-color-4-x dl,
            .ext-color-4-x .ext-cal-evb {
                background: #663300;
            .ext-color-4-x .ext-cal-evb,
            .ext-color-4-x dl {
                border-color: #7C3939;
            .ext-ie .ext-color-5-ad,
            .ext-opera .ext-color-5-ad {
                color: #660066;
            .ext-cal-day-col .ext-color-5,
            .ext-dd-drag-proxy .ext-color-5,
            .ext-color-5-ad .ext-cal-evm,
            .ext-color-5 .ext-cal-picker-icon,
            .ext-color-5-x dl,
            .ext-color-5-x .ext-cal-evb {
                background: #660066;
            .ext-color-5-x .ext-cal-evb,
            .ext-color-5-x dl {
                border-color: #660066;
            .ext-ie .ext-color-6-ad,
            .ext-opera .ext-color-6-ad {
                color: #7F0000;
            .ext-cal-day-col .ext-color-6,
            .ext-dd-drag-proxy .ext-color-6,
            .ext-color-6-ad .ext-cal-evm,
            .ext-color-6 .ext-cal-picker-icon,
            .ext-color-6-x dl,
            .ext-color-6-x .ext-cal-evb {
                background: #7F0000;
            .ext-color-6-x .ext-cal-evb,
            .ext-color-6-x dl {
                border-color: #7C3939;
            .ext-ie .ext-color-7-ad,
            .ext-opera .ext-color-7-ad {
                color: #000000;
            .ext-cal-day-col .ext-color-7,
            .ext-dd-drag-proxy .ext-color-7,
            .ext-color-7-ad .ext-cal-evm,
            .ext-color-7 .ext-cal-picker-icon,
            .ext-color-7-x dl,
            .ext-color-7-x .ext-cal-evb {
                background: #000000;
            .ext-color-7-x .ext-cal-evb,
            .ext-color-7-x dl {
                border-color: #7C3939;
        <ext:ResourcePlaceHolder ID="ResourcePlaceHolder1" runat="server" />
        <script src="MyEventRecord.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            var CompanyX = {
                getCalendar: function () { return CompanyX.CalendarPanel1; },
                getStore: function () { return CompanyX.EventStore1; },
                getWindow: function () { return CompanyX.EventEditWindow1; },
                customWindow: function () {
                    // event edit window localization  
                    var win = this.getWindow();
                    var form = win.formPanel;
                    var titleItem = form.get('title');
                    dateRangeItem = form.get('date-range');
                    calendarItem = form.get('calendar');
                    detailsLnk = win.fbar.get(0);
                    saveBtn = win.fbar.get(2);
                    deleteBtn = win.fbar.get(3);
                    cancelBtn = win.fbar.get(4);
                    titleItem.fieldLabel = 'Περιγραφή'; // Title   
                    dateRangeItem.fieldLabel = 'Από';   // When
                    dateRangeItem.toText = 'έως';       // to
                    dateRangeItem.allDayText = 'Ολοήμερο';  // Is all day
                    calendarItem.fieldLabel = 'Λόγος';  // Calendar group  
                    detailsLnk.text = '<a href="#" id="tblink">Περισσότερα στοιχεία...</a>';    // Edit Details
                    saveBtn.text = 'Αποθήκευση';        // Save button
                    deleteBtn.text = 'Διαγραφή';        // Delete button
                    cancelBtn.text = 'Άκυρο';       // Cancel button
                    // date-range date format
                    win.get(0).get(1).on('render', function () {
                        this.startDate.format = 'd/m/Y';
                        this.endDate.format = 'd/m/Y';
                updateTitle: function (startDt, endDt) {
                    var msg = '';
                    if (startDt.clearTime().getTime() == endDt.clearTime().getTime()) {
                        msg = startDt.format('F j, Y');
                    else if (startDt.getFullYear() == endDt.getFullYear()) {
                        if (startDt.getMonth() == endDt.getMonth()) {
                            msg = startDt.format('F j') + ' - ' + endDt.format('j, Y');
                        else {
                            msg = startDt.format('F j') + ' - ' + endDt.format('F j, Y');
                    else {
                        msg = startDt.format('F j, Y') + ' - ' + endDt.format('F j, Y');
                setStartDate: function (picker, date) {
                rangeSelect: function (cal, dates, callback) {
          , dates);
                    this.getWindow().on('hide', callback, cal, { single: true });
                dayClick: function (cal, dt, allDay, el) {
          , cal, {
                        StartDate: dt, IsAllDay: allDay
                    }, el);
                record: {
                    add: function (win, rec) {
               = false;
                        // save the event to database and update the event store
                        CompanyX.ShowMsg('Event ' + + ' was added');
                    update: function (win, rec) {
                        // update the event in the database
                        CompanyX.ShowMsg('Event ' + + ' was updated');
                    remove: function (win, rec) {
                        // remove the event from the database
                        CompanyX.ShowMsg('Event ' + + ' was deleted');
                    editFormAdd: function (win, rec) {
                        // called from the eventeditform EventAdd  
                        // save the event to database and update the event store
                    editFormUpdate: function (win, rec) {
                        // called from the eventeditform EventUpdate
                        // update the event in the database
                    editFormDelete: function (win, rec) {
                        // called from the eventeditform EventDelete
                        // delete the event from database
                    edit: function (win, rec) {
                    resize: function (cal, rec) {
                        CompanyX.ShowMsg('Event ' + + ' was updated');
                    move: function (cal, rec) {
                        CompanyX.ShowMsg('Event ' + + ' was moved to ' +'F jS' + ( ? '' : ' \\a\\t g:i a')));
                    show: function (cal, rec, el) {
                        CompanyX.getWindow().show(rec, el);
                    save: function (rec) {
                        // save the event data to database                    
                            url: "RemoteService.asmx/Save",
                            json: true,
                            cleanRequest: true,
                            params: {
                            success: function (result) {
                                // update record with db-assigned id                   
                       = result.EventId;
                                // add to store
                    upd: function (rec) {
                        // update event data in the database
                        // event data row is found in the database using EventId
                            url: "RemoteService.asmx/Update",
                            json: true,
                            cleanRequest: true,
                            extraParams: {
                    del: function (rec) {
                            url: "RemoteService.asmx/Delete",
                            json: true,
                            cleanRequest: true,
                            extraParams: { e: }
            var calendar_beforeRender = function (calendar, store) {
                // localize event edit form
                var form = calendar.get( + '-edit');
                form.titleTextAdd = 'Νέο Ραντεβού';         // form title when add
                form.titleTextEdit = 'Επεξεργασία Ραντεβού';    // form title when edit
                // left col
                var lcol = form.get('left-col');
                lcol.get(0).fieldLabel = 'Περιγραφή';   // Title
                dateRangeItem = lcol.get(1);
                dateRangeItem.fieldLabel = 'Από';       // When
                dateRangeItem.toText = 'έως';       // to
                dateRangeItem.allDayText = 'ολοήμερο';  // Is all day
                // date-range date format
                dateRangeItem.on('render', function () {
                    this.startDate.format = 'd/m/Y';
                    this.endDate.format = 'd/m/Y';
                lcol.get(2).fieldLabel = 'Λόγος';       // Calendar group
                lcol.get(3).fieldLabel = 'Υπενθύμιση';  // Reminder
                // right col
                var rcol = form.get('right-col');
                rcol.get(0).fieldLabel = 'Σημειώσεις';  // Notes
                rcol.get(1).fieldLabel = 'Τόπος';       // Location
                rcol.get(2).fieldLabel = 'Άλλο';        // Url
                // footer
                form.fbar.get(0).text = 'Αποθήκευση';   // Save    
                form.fbar.get(1).text = 'Διαγραφή';     // Delete
                form.fbar.get(2).text = 'Άκυρο';        // Cancel
                // add new fields            
                // here a data-bound combo is added to the form
                // The "customStore" store is decleared in markup  and databound in code behind
                var cmb = new Ext.form.ComboBox({
                    id: 'ComboBox1',
                    fieldLabel: 'CustomField',
                    store: store,
                    dataIndex: 'MyCustomField1',
                    mode: 'local',
                    displayField: 'lastname',
                    valueField: 'id',
                    anchor: '90%',
                    triggerAction: 'all',
                    selectOnFocus: true,
                    typeAhead: true
        <form id="Form1" runat="server">   
            <ext:ResourceManager ID="ResourceManager1" runat="server" Namespace="CompanyX" Locale="el-GR" />   
            <ext:Store ID="CustomStore" runat="server">
                    <ext:JsonReader IDProperty="id">
                            <ext:RecordField Name="id" Type="Int" />
                            <ext:RecordField Name="lastname" />
            <ext:Viewport ID="Viewport1" runat="server" Layout="fit">       
                    <ext:CalendarPanel ID="CalendarPanel1" runat="server" Height="500">               
                        <EventStore ID="EventStore1"
                        <GroupStore ID="GroupStore1" runat="server">                   
                            <ext:Group CalendarId="1" Title="Group 1" />                       
                            <ext:Group CalendarId="2" Title="Group 2" />                       
                            <ext:Group CalendarId="3" Title="Group 3" />                       
                            <ext:Group CalendarId="4" Title="Group 4" />
                            <ext:Group CalendarId="5" Title="Group 5" />
                            <ext:Group CalendarId="6" Title="Group 6" />
                            <ext:Group CalendarId="7" Title="Group 7" />
                            <EventClick Fn="" Scope="CompanyX" />                   
                            <DayClick Fn="CompanyX.dayClick" Scope="CompanyX" />                   
                            <RangeSelect Fn="CompanyX.rangeSelect" Scope="CompanyX" />                   
                            <EventMove Fn="CompanyX.record.move" Scope="CompanyX" />                   
                            <EventResize Fn="CompanyX.record.resize" Scope="CompanyX" />                   
                            <BeforeRender Handler="calendar_beforeRender(this, #{CustomStore});" />   
                            <EventAdd Fn="CompanyX.record.editFormAdd" Scope="CompanyX" />
                            <EventUpdate Fn="CompanyX.record.editFormUpdate" Scope="CompanyX" />
                            <EventDelete Fn="CompanyX.record.editFormDelete" Scope="CompanyX" />
                    TitleTextAdd="New Event"
                    TitleTextEdit="Edit Event">       
                        <EventAdd Fn="CompanyX.record.add" Scope="CompanyX" />           
                        <EventUpdate Fn="CompanyX.record.update" Scope="CompanyX" />           
                        <EditDetails Fn="CompanyX.record.edit" Scope="CompanyX" />           
                        <EventDelete Fn="CompanyX.record.remove" Scope="CompanyX" />       
                        <Render Fn="CompanyX.customWindow" Scope="CompanyX" />
    Ext.calendar.EventMappings = {
        EventId: {
            name: 'EventId',
            mapping: 'id',
            type: 'int'
        CalendarId: {
            name: 'CalendarId',
            mapping: 'cid',
            type: 'int'
        Title: {
            name: 'Title',
            mapping: 'title',
            type: 'string'
        StartDate: {
            name: 'StartDate',
            mapping: 'start',
            type: 'date',
            dateFormat: 'c'
        EndDate: {
            name: 'EndDate',
            mapping: 'end',
            type: 'date',
            dateFormat: 'c'
        Location: {
            name: 'Location',
            mapping: 'loc',
            type: 'string'
        Notes: {
            name: 'Notes',
            mapping: 'notes',
            type: 'string'
        Url: {
            name: 'Url',
            mapping: 'url',
            type: 'string'
        IsAllDay: {
            name: 'IsAllDay',
            mapping: 'ad',
            type: 'boolean'
        Reminder: {
            name: 'Reminder',
            mapping: 'rem',
            type: 'string'
        IsNew: {
            name: 'IsNew',
            mapping: 'n',
            type: 'boolean'
        MyCustomField1: {
            name: 'MyCustomField1',
            mapping: 'MyCustomField1',
            type: 'int'
    (function () {
        var M = Ext.calendar.EventMappings;
        Ext.calendar.EventRecord =[
        Ext.calendar.EventRecord.reconfigure = function () {
            Ext.calendar.EventRecord =[
    using Ext.Net;
    namespace WebApplication1
        public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
            [DirectMethod(Namespace = "CompanyX")]
            public void ShowMsg(string msg)
                X.Msg.Notify("Message", msg).Show();
            protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                // config event store with standard plus custom fields
                // custom fields must also be declared in MyEventRecord.js
                this.CalendarPanel1.EventStore.Reader[0].Fields.Add(new RecordField("MyCustomField1", RecordFieldType.Int));
                if (!X.IsAjaxRequest)
                    // load combo with sample custom data
                    List<CustomField> data = new List<CustomField> {
                        new CustomField 
                            id = 1,
                            lastname = "value 1"
                        new CustomField
                            id = 2,
                            lastname = "value 2"
                    CustomStore.DataSource = data;
                    // bind events to event store 
                    RemoteService service = new RemoteService();
                    CalendarPanel1.EventStore.DataSource = service.GetEvents(null, null);
    namespace WebApplication1
        /// <summary>
        /// Summary description for RemoteService
        /// </summary>
        [WebService(Namespace = "")]
        [WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
        // To allow this Web Service to be called from script, using ASP.NET AJAX, uncomment the following line. 
        public class RemoteService : System.Web.Services.WebService
            public IEnumerable<Event> GetEvents(DateTime? start, DateTime? end)
                DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
                return new List<Event>
                    new Event 
                        EventId = 1001,
                        CalendarId = 1,
                        Title = "Vacation",
                        StartDate = now.AddDays(-20).AddHours(10),
                        EndDate = now.AddDays(-10).AddHours(15),
                        IsAllDay = false,
                        Notes = "Have fun",
                        MyCustomField1 = 1
            public Event Save(Event e)
                // save to database 
                // ...
                // update EventId with real db-assigned id                                
                // e.g e.EventId = 1;  
                return e;
            public void Update(Event e)
                // update database
                // ...
            public void Delete(Event e)
                // delete from database
                // ...
    namespace WebApplication1
        public class Event
            public int EventId { get; set; }
            public int CalendarId { get; set; }
            public DateTime EndDate { get; set; }
            public DateTime StartDate { get; set; }
            public bool IsAllDay { get; set; }
            public bool IsNew { get; set; }
            public string Location { get; set; }
            public string Notes { get; set; }
            public string Reminder { get; set; }
            public string Title { get; set; }
            public string Url { get; set; }
            public int MyCustomField1 { get; set; }
    namespace WebApplication1
        public class CustomField
            public int id { get; set; }
            public string lastname { get; set; }
    Screenshots show the localized and customized edit window and form.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	eventeditwindow.PNG 
Views:	673 
Size:	19.8 KB 
ID:	4991
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	eventeditform.PNG 
Views:	584 
Size:	25.2 KB 
ID:	4992

    Screenshot shows the execution stack when user clicks the Add button in the EventEditWindow
    Notice how the client side record is updated with the EventId value
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	addevent.PNG 
Views:	656 
Size:	39.3 KB 
ID:	4995

    Hope you like it. I've spent two weeks to make things work. Enjoy.

    Last edited by Daniil; Dec 07, 2012 at 11:25 AM. Reason: Added Ext.NET v1 in the title
  2. #2
    Hi Dimitris,

    Thanks for sharing this sample. We REALLY appreciate you giving back to the community.

    Would you be able to add a screen shot of this running? Sorry for the extra work when you've already put in a lot, but I'm sure the screen capture would help others understand the context of what's happening in the sample.

    We'll review your sample and offer any feedback.
    Geoffrey McGill
  3. #3
    It is my understanding that some people have had difficulty with the original sample code. Let me remind you this is about tweaking/extending the calendar control to suit custom data fields, event CRUD operations and full localization. I recommend you already have your calendar set up using the official example and use this code if it does not fit your needs.

    Nevertheless, I've now changed the original sample above to one that is fully working as is. I've removed any database related code/references and have introduces stub methods and local sample data instead. Just copy and paste the code into a new Visual Studio ASP.NET Web Application Project and give it an immediate run.

    Hope this helps
  4. #4
    Hi Dimitris,

    Cool! Thank you very much for sharing, the corrections to get the example running locally and the screenshots!

    I reviewed the code. It appears to be good. The great job!

    I am moving the thread to the "Examples and Extras" forum.

    Also I added "Ext.NET v1" in the title.
  5. #5
    Here's a wee addition to the customization solution provided above: as people have noticed, in the event edit form, startTime and endTime combobox items retain their AM/PM format even after the field format has been changed, for example:

    this.startTime.format = 'H:i';

    After investigating into the javascript code I found out both fields fill a store with the time values. So, here is a possible solution to the problem:

        // daterange date format
        dateRangeItem.on('render', function () {
            this.startDate.format = 'd/m/Y';
            this.startTime.format = 'H:i';
            this.endDate.format = 'd/m/Y';
            this.endTime.format = 'H:i';
            var localTimes = ['13:00', '14:00'];
    Another nice thing you might find helpful is the customization of the form layout. By default, the form uses 'column' layout. If the form contents do not fill well in your web page width then simply change the layout, for example:
        var form = calendar.get( + '-edit');
        form.titleTextAdd = '...';
        form.titleTextEdit = '...';
        form.layout = "form";
    That's all folks.
  6. #6
    Thank you for sharing, Dimitris!
  7. #7

    what about connecting to Gmail calendar ?

    every calendar in this days should be available for us where ever we need it.
    and the best choice for most users is GMAIL calendar.

    is it difficult ?
  8. #8
    Hi @alonisoft,

    I think your question is a good candidate for a new thread.
  9. #9


    Didn't need all the extensions or custom stuff, but I struggle with UI admittedly. The styles at top helped me greatly.
  10. #10

    Can you give me a solution for Ext.NET v2

    hi @ Mimisss!

    I have tried my project using EXT.NET 2.2 by your supplied example code, but it failed! so please give me a example like this using 2.2 SOLUTION for Ext.NET v2: Calendar with both edit window and form fully localized and customized!
    thanks a lot!
    Last edited by hujq; Dec 01, 2014 at 3:07 PM. Reason: sytax error
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