[CLOSED] Add Columns to GridPanel. Server side

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] Add Columns to GridPanel. Server side

    I add columns to a gridpanel in server side:

            Dim contador As Integer = 0
            Dim ID As String = "", Texto As String = ""
                For Each nodoCampo As XmlNode In nodo.SelectNodes("control")
                        ID = nodoCampo.Attributes("id").Value
                        Texto = nodoCampo.Attributes("label").Value
                        Dim field As New ModelField("col" & ID, ModelFieldType.String)
                        StoreMatchSol.AddField(field, contador + 10)
                        StoreMatchSol.Model(0).Fields.Insert(contador + 10, field)
                        Dim col As New Column
                        col.ID = "col" & ID
                        col.Text = Texto
                        col.Width = "100"
                        col.AutoHeight = True
                        col.DataIndex = "col" & ID
                        col.Align = Alignment.Center
                        contador += 1
    When I add a few columns the page loads fast but I need to add like 70 columns to the grid and if I do it the page takes more than a minute to load, is there a way of make it faster??
    Last edited by Daniil; Nov 05, 2012 at 3:32 PM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2
    How many records do you load to the store?
  3. #3
    When you call posted code? During ajax request or inital page load?
    If during initial page load then you have to use
    AddColumn must be used during ajax request only (dynamic column adding to rendered grid)
  4. #4
    I'm not loading records yet, because just adding columns it's too slow.

    I call posted code during ajax request when the gridpanel is already rendered.

    Should I build the entire grid in code behind so I can use grid.ColumnModel.Columns.Add(...); ?? Is it faster to load?
  5. #5
    try to pass false as second argument (prevent update layout) for all columns except last, for last column pass true
    GridPanelMatch.AddColumn(col, false)
  6. #6
    I tried it and it's still loading slow.

    Now I'm proving with

    And it loads fast! But I have to use

    Panel is the container of my grid, but updatecontent fires an error when I put the Locked property in one of the static columns:

    <ext:Column ID="C1" runat ="server" Resizable="false" header="Nombre" DataIndex="Nombre" Width ="170" Locked="true" />
    The error message is: "Can not get property value 'un': object is null or undefined"

    Why is this happening?
  7. #7
    Is there an alternative to solve this?
  8. #8
    Alternative is rerender GridPanel (in this case, do not use AddColumn/AddField, add columns and field directly to own collections)

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