Store Reader DateTime Parsing w/ milliseconds

  1. #1

    Store Reader DateTime Parsing w/ milliseconds

    I'm using a web service to retrieve information from my SQL Server database. The column is a standard datetime datatype, with a default value of getdate(). As such, it retains millisecond precision on the moment it was added.

    This has caused problems with the field mapping into my Store.

    Here's a sample of one of the XML tags containing a date directly from the database:
    The offending information here is the ".043" representing the milliseconds.

    I've encountered this problem before, but because of the way I was pulling that data, I could override the select and edit the datatime to set milliseconds to 0 (which allows it to work). In this instance, I do not have direct access to the SQL command pulling the data, so I can't strip out the milliseconds in the select.

    I've tried looking through all the documentation for a way to override the date format specifier, but as far as I can tell, there is no .NET format specifier for milliseconds. Is there any way to override this RecordField so that it will read the date?

    Currently I just have a standard date RecordField:
    <ext:RecordField Name="DateCreated" Type="Date" />
  2. #2

    RE: Store Reader DateTime Parsing w/ milliseconds

    *In case anyone is interested, I figured this one out.
    <ext:RecordField Name="DateCreated" Type="Date" DateFormat="yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.uP" />

    I think it's abusing something in the .NET->PHP/Javascript date format converter, as "u" isn't valid according to the reference for .NET date specifiers, but it appears it passes through the conversion unscathed to the javascript extjs code:

    which thankfully supports milliseconds.

    OK, no idea why the code blocks aren't working properly, but you get the idea.
  3. #3
    I use DateFormat="c"

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