MVC 3 Razor - How to fill Html.X().MultiCombo with an enum

  1. #1

    MVC 3 Razor - How to fill Html.X().MultiCombo with an enum

    Hi all,

    What is the best way to fill a Html.X().MultiCombo with an enum.

    how do i define the store reader for an enum?

    My enum looks likem this
    public enum ServiceStatus
                Undefined   = 1,            
                InDelivery  = 2,            
                Testing     = 3,            
                Operational = 4,            
                Degraded    = 5,
                Cancelling  = 6,
                Archived    = 7,
                InOrder     = 8
    UI Code 
                                        .Margins("0 0 0 0")
                                        .EmptyText("--- Please Select ---")
                                       .Items(items =>
                                            items.Add(new ListItem()
                                                Text =ServiceStatus.Billing.ToString(),
                                                Value = ((int)ServiceStatus.Billing).ToString()
                                            items.Add(new ListItem()
                                                Text = ServiceStatus.CeasedBilling.ToString(),
                                                Value = ((int)ServiceStatus.CeasedBilling).ToString()
    Im not happy about the above code and how do i define the store reader for an enum

    Last edited by Daniil; Oct 25, 2013 at 12:59 PM. Reason: Please use [CODE] tags
  2. #2
    You can use the following helper method
    public static ListItemCollection FromEnum(Type enumType)
                ListItemCollection items = new ListItemCollection();
                foreach (var item in Enum.GetValues(enumType))
                    var fi = enumType.GetField(item.ToString());
                    var attribute = fi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DescriptionAttribute), true).FirstOrDefault();
                    var title = attribute == null ? item.ToString() : ((DescriptionAttribute)attribute).Description;
                    var value = Convert.ChangeType(item, ((Enum)item).GetTypeCode());
                    var listItem = new ListItem
                        Value = value.ToString(),
                        Text = title
                return items;
    In Ext.Net 2.1 you can use the following code
  3. #3
    Thank you Vladimir

    Thank you for pointing me to the right direction! ItemsFromEnum method can be used directly by basing the enum

    Ext.Net 2.1 you can use the following code
    Html.X().ComboBox().ItemsFromEnum(typeof(Models.Se rviceCommercialStatus)));


    Quote Originally Posted by Vladimir View Post
    You can use the following helper method
    public static ListItemCollection FromEnum(Type enumType)
                ListItemCollection items = new ListItemCollection();
                foreach (var item in Enum.GetValues(enumType))
                    var fi = enumType.GetField(item.ToString());
                    var attribute = fi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DescriptionAttribute), true).FirstOrDefault();
                    var title = attribute == null ? item.ToString() : ((DescriptionAttribute)attribute).Description;
                    var value = Convert.ChangeType(item, ((Enum)item).GetTypeCode());
                    var listItem = new ListItem
                        Value = value.ToString(),
                        Text = title
                return items;
    In Ext.Net 2.1 you can use the following code

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