[CLOSED] After UserControl rewrite javascript error occured

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] After UserControl rewrite javascript error occured


    After I rewrite a control which have inside a bunch of other ext.net controls like in mockup I've provide:

    Attachment 4789

    I've got javascript error which said me nothing.

    SyntaxError: invalid object initializer
    I've made this control using this https://examples1.ext.net/#/Combinat.../Simple_Tasks/

    here's code of this control:
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Web;
    using Ext.Net;
    namespace Sample
        public partial class LinkedListFormExt : BorderLayout
            private Ext.Net.Panel northPanel;
            private Ext.Net.Panel centerPanel;
            private Ext.Net.GridPanel gridPanelMain;
            private Ext.Net.Store store;
            private Ext.Net.PagingToolbar pagingToolbar;
            private Ext.Net.Hidden fieldGridDataPrnExp;
            private Ext.Net.Hidden fieldSelectedIds;
            #region buttons
            private Ext.Net.Button btnCreate;
            private Ext.Net.Button btnDelete;
            private Ext.Net.Button btnReload;
            public void Configure()
            private List<Ext.Net.Button> ConfigureButtons()
                btnCreate = new Ext.Net.Button { ID = "btnCreateLinked" + this.ID, Icon = Icon.Add };
                btnCreate.DirectClick+=new ComponentDirectEvent.DirectEventHandler(btnCreate_DirectClick);
                btnDelete = new Ext.Net.Button { ID = "btnDeleteLinked" + this.ID, Icon = Icon.Delete };
                btnDelete.DirectClick += new ComponentDirectEvent.DirectEventHandler(btnDelete_DirectClick);
                btnReload = new Ext.Net.Button { ID = "btnReloadLinked" + this.ID, Icon = Icon.Reload };
                btnReload.Listeners.Click.Handler = "#{gridPanelMain"+this.ID+"}.store.reload();";
                return new List<Button>{btnCreate,btnDelete,btnReload};
            private void ConfigurePanels(List<Ext.Net.Button> buttons)
                fieldGridDataPrnExp = new Ext.Net.Hidden { ID = "fieldGridDataPrnExp" + this.ID };
                fieldSelectedIds = new Ext.Net.Hidden { ID = "fieldSelectedIds" + this.ID };
                northPanel = new Ext.Net.Panel { ID = "northPanelLinked"+this.ID, Height = 70, Header = false, Split = true, Collapsible = false };
                northPanel.Items.Add(new Hidden { ID = "scrollStore" + this.ID });
                gridPanelMain = new Ext.Net.GridPanel { ID = "gridPanelMain" + this.ID, SelectionMemory = SelectionMemoryMode.Enabled, AnchorHorizontal = "100%", Cls = "grid-sample" };
                store = new Ext.Net.Store { ID = "storeMain" + this.ID, RemoteSort = true };
                    new List<Parameter>
                            new Parameter{Name="start", Value="0" ,Mode=ParameterMode.Raw},
                            new Parameter{Name="limit", Value="50" ,Mode=ParameterMode.Raw},
                            new Parameter{Name="sort", Value=""},
                            new Parameter{Name="dir", Value=""}
                store.SortInfo.Field = "Id";
                store.SortInfo.Direction = SortDirection.DESC;
                pagingToolbar = new PagingToolbar { ID = "pagingToolbar" + this.ID, PageSize = 50, DisplayInfo = true, DisplayMsg = "Rows {0} - {1} of {2}", EmptyMsg = "empty" };
                //SlidingPager slidingPager = new SlidingPager();
                gridPanelMain.DirectEvents.RowDblClick.Before = "#{scrollStore"+this.ID+"}.setValue(this.view.scroller.dom.scrollTop);";
                gridPanelMain.DirectEvents.RowDblClick.Event += new ComponentDirectEvent.DirectEventHandler(RowDblClick_Event);
                gridPanelMain.DirectEvents.RowDblClick.ExtraParams.Add(new Parameter{Name = "grow",Value = "this.store.getAt(rowIndex).data['Id']",Mode = ParameterMode.Raw});
                gridPanelMain.DirectEvents.RowDblClick.EventMask.ShowMask = true;
                gridPanelMain.DirectEvents.RowDblClick.EventMask.Msg = "Please wait...";
                Ext.Net.GridView gridView = new Ext.Net.GridView { ID = "gridView" + this.ID, StandardHeaderRow = true };
                gridView.GetRowClass.Handler = "if (record.data.CssClass != '') return record.data.CssClass;";
                gridView.Listeners.Refresh.Handler="restoreScroll(this, #{scrollStore"+this.ID+"});";
                gridView.Listeners.Refresh.Delay = 10;
                gridView.Listeners.Refresh.Single = true;
                centerPanel = new Ext.Net.Panel { ID = "centerPanelLinked" + this.ID, Header = false, AnchorHorizontal = "100%", Collapsible = false, Split = true, Layout = "Fit" };
            protected void RowDblClick_Event(object sender, DirectEventArgs e)
            protected void btnCreate_DirectClick(object sender, DirectEventArgs e)
            protected void btnDelete_DirectClick(object sender, DirectEventArgs e)
    Any ideas what could cause this error of javascript?

    I've figured it out it was error on tabPanel in which my control was seeded.

    Last edited by Daniil; Sep 25, 2012 at 6:46 AM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2

    Please demonstrate how do you use this control?
  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Daniil View Post

    Please demonstrate how do you use this control?
    I've simply write:

    LinkedListFormExt linkedListFormExt = new LinkedListFormExt();
    //here load some needed properties
    //and add this loaded correctly control to the some container for example Panel
    Ext.Net.Panel panel = new Ext.Net.Panel();
    panel.Items.Add(linkedListFormExt);//linkedListFormExt inherit from BorderLayout so i assumed that behavior of my control is same that rest of Ext.Net controls
    Am I using it properly?

    I got a problem with that control after I create buttons and attach to them directEvent. And then click on for example btnCreate I've got exception:
    The control with ID 'ctl00_siteContent_category_detail_1_LinkedListControlbtnCreateLinked' not found
    in the page source this control is present.
  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by ViDom View Post
    I've simply write:

    LinkedListFormExt linkedListFormExt = new LinkedListFormExt();
    //here load some needed properties
    //and add this loaded correctly control to the some container for example Panel
    Ext.Net.Panel panel = new Ext.Net.Panel();
    panel.Items.Add(linkedListFormExt);//linkedListFormExt inherit from BorderLayout so i assumed that behavior of my control is same that rest of Ext.Net controls
    Am I using it properly?
    Yes, you are using it correctly. I just tested, it works well for me. I just needed to remove this line:
    gridView.Listeners.Refresh.Handler="restoreScroll(this, #{scrollStore"+this.ID+"});";
    because I don't have the restoreScroll function.

    So, I can't reproduce this error:
    Quote Originally Posted by ViDom View Post

    I've got javascript error which said me nothing.

    SyntaxError: invalid object initializer
    Could you provide a full example to reproduce this error?

    Quote Originally Posted by ViDom View Post
    I got a problem with that control after I create buttons and attach to them directEvent. And then click on for example btnCreate I've got exception:
    The control with ID  'ctl00_siteContent_category_detail_1_LinkedListControlbtnCreateLinked'  not found
    in the page source this control is present.
    I am unable to reproduce it as well. I guess you create it during a DirectEvent, but doesn't recreate during another. Neither ASP.NET or ASP.NET recreates dynamically created controls automatically. But a DirectEvent handler requires a control instance of server side.

    So, please recreate required controls or use DirectMethods on the page.

    Here is the related thread.
    Last edited by Daniil; Sep 18, 2012 at 10:52 AM.

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