Hi, i have an issue with rendering GridCommands after expand groups.

Here is my GridCommand
<ext:CommandColumn runat="server" Text="Commands">
        <ext:GridCommand Icon="EmailGo">
            <Menu EnableScrolling="false">
                    <ext:MenuCommand Text="Standart" CommandName="Standart" Icon="EmailGo" />
                    <ext:MenuCommand Text="Local" CommandName="Local"
                        Icon="EmailGo" />
                    <ext:MenuCommand Text="Active" CommandName="Active" IconCls="il_icon_dateStart" />
        <ext:GridCommand CommandName="templateSettings" Icon="CogEdit" />
        <Command Handler="actionOptions(command)" />
And here is my GroupingView
    <ext:Grouping runat="server" ScrollOffset="16" HideGroupedHeader="true" StartCollapsed="true"
        GroupHeaderTplString="{name}" EnableRowBody="false" EnableNoGroups="False" />
In Ext.Net 1.0 it works fine, but now i don't see my GridCommands after expand any group, it works only if i set StartCollapsed="false".

Best regards.