Hi Everybody,

i am loading a remote page (aspx form) using a ext window in my current page.some thong like a popup.Everything works fine...

the problem here is that , the remote page which i am loading in ext window doesn't access the Session Values...

why it happens so........?

My home Page (Home.aspx)

////Java script method to call my remote page
 function buildWindow() {

             var strurl = "http://localhost/mywebsite/myremotepage.aspx";
             var win = new Ext.Window({
                 id: 'myremotepage',
                 title: 'myremotepage',
                 modal: true,
                 width: 750,
                 height: 542,
                 bodyStyle: "background-color:white; color:black; padding-left:0px",
                 closable: true,
                 closeAction: 'close',
                 autorender: false,
                 autoScroll: true,
                 collapsible: true,
                 resizable: true,
                 autoLoad: {
                     url: strurl,
                     scripts: true
The session value which i am maintaining in my Home.aspx is not available in myremotepage.aspx

the following condition fails.........

if (Session["UserID"] != null)