[CLOSED] Resolving ASP.NET urls

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] Resolving ASP.NET urls

    What are your thoughts on changing the line

    return (obj == null) ? "" : (string)obj;

    return (obj == null) ? "" : this.Owner.ResolveUrl((string)obj);
    in TreeLoaderBase.cs similar to how it's done in PageTreeLoader?
  2. #2

    RE: [CLOSED] Resolving ASP.NET urls

    Hi Justin,

    I'm assuming you're referring to the .DataUrl property?

    If yes, the value is later resolved using this.Owner.ResolveUrl when the*UrlProxy property is returned. The*UrlProxy value is the actual value used in the config object.

    Hope this helps.

    Geoffrey McGill
  3. #3

    RE: [CLOSED] Resolving ASP.NET urls

    Sorry, realised I missed out the whole pre-amble of what I was trying to explain.

    If you use a TreeLoader e.g.

    <ext:TreeLoader Clear&#111;nload="true" DataUrl="~/Handler.ashx" />
    The the client side script is rendered to look for the url ~/Handler.ashx which of course does not exist.

    By changing line 87 in TreeLoaderBase as detailed in my previous post the client side renders [CORRECTPATH]/Handler.ashx as required.

    I found that this is how you had done it in PageTreeLoader.cs and have not seen any unwanted side effects from this change.

  4. #4

    RE: [CLOSED] Resolving ASP.NET urls

    Thanks for the update...

    It looks like the .DataUrl property was not properly configured in TreeLoaderBase.cs. Previously I was only looking in PageTreeLoader.cs.

    I moved things around and now the client-side initialization script should be set with the fully resolved .url.*

    Geoffrey McGill

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