[CLOSED] Disable some Controls before DirectMethod

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] Disable some Controls before DirectMethod

    Is there any way to disable a control (Panel, GridPanel, Window etc) just before firing direct-method?

    I'm trying to achieve in my sample code:
    - When the button is clicked, the panel should be disabled immediatelly (page should be updated)
    - Now the button1_click (direct-method) fires and takes some time to finish
    - After that, the panel gets enabled

    Ext.Net 1.5.0
    Framework 4
    IE 8


    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Web;
    using Ext.Net;
    public partial class test5 : System.Web.UI.Page
        Panel panel1;
        public void button1_click()
          // takes some time to load...
          panel1.Html = "Panel is now loaded.";
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
          ResourceManager res_man = new ResourceManager();
          res_man.ID = "res_man";
          panel1 = new Panel();
          panel1.ID = "panel1";
          panel1.Height = 200;
          panel1.Width = 200;
          Ext.Net.Button button1 = new Ext.Net.Button();
          button1.ID = "button1";
          button1.Text = "Load panel";
          button1.Listeners.Click.Handler = "#{panel1}.setDisabled(true);";
          button1.Listeners.Click.Handler += "#{DirectMethods}.button1_click();";
          button1.Listeners.Click.Handler += "#{panel1}.setDisabled(false);";
    Last edited by Daniil; Aug 18, 2012 at 9:39 AM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2

    You should move
    into a success (probably, to a failure one as well) handler of DirectMethod.

    new Ext.Net.Button().Listeners.Click.Handler += @"#{DirectMethods}.button1_click({
                                                            success : function () {
  3. #3
    Thanks for the suggestion :)

    The aim was to disable the panel before long lasting data processing (panel loading) so I did:
        public void disable_panel()
          panel1.Disabled = true;
        public void load_data()
            // may take some time to load...
            panel1.Html = "Panel is now loaded.";
            //then enable panel
            panel1.Disabled = false;
    and the click handler:

    button1.Listeners.Click.Handler += @"#{DirectMethods}.disable_panel({ success : function () { #{DirectMethods}.load_data(); } });";
  4. #4
    I think you could avoid one DirectMethod. The following should work as well.
    button1.Listeners.Click.Handler += "#{panel1}.disable(); #{DirectMethods}.load_data()";
    Also you can use the DirectMethod "eventMask" config option instead of disabling. Please see #6 here:
    Last edited by geoffrey.mcgill; Aug 16, 2012 at 1:48 PM.
  5. #5
    You're right, thanks.

    Today I've learned what is the difference between:

     button1.Listeners.Click.Handler = "#{panel1}.setDisabled(true);";       
     button1.Listeners.Click.Handler += "#{DirectMethods}.button1_click();";

     button1.Listeners.Click.Handler = "#{panel1}.setDisabled(true); #{DirectMethods}.button1_click();";
    (and not to use the first one just to avoid long strings)

  6. #6
    Seems there is no any logical difference between these pieces.

    Could you clarify what you mean?
  7. #7
    I'm sorry for creating confusion. There is no difference between these pieces of code.

    In my "working" example I had:
    button1.Listeners.Click.Handler = "#{panel1}.disable();";       
    button1.Listeners.Click.Handler += "#{DirectMethods}.load_data()";
    button1.Listeners.Click.Handler += "#{panel1}.enable();";
    And this is not disabling the panel before "load_data()"; The answer to my question was to remove the "enable();" and put it (analogous code) into "load_data()".

    Now it works fine.

    Last edited by Daniil; Aug 21, 2012 at 9:01 AM. Reason: Please use [CODE] tags
  8. #8
    Yes, that is right. Thanks for clarification.

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