Create window dinamically

  1. #1

    Create window dinamically

    Hi guys,
    I, am trying to create a new Window during a DirectEvent, but Windows doesn't appear.

    <%@ Page Language="VB" %>

    <%@ Register Assembly="Ext.Net" Namespace="Ext.Net" TagPrefix="ext" %>

    <script runat="server">
    Protected Sub BtnUser_Click(sender As Object, e As DirectEventArgs)
    Dim winPassword As New Ext.Net.Window() With _
    {.ID = "winPass", .Modal = True, .Title = "Change Password", _
    .Icon = Icon.Key, .Width = Unit.Pixel(400), .Height = Unit.Pixel(200), .Layout = LayoutType.Fit}

    Dim fplPassword As New Ext.Net.FormPanel() With _
    {.ID = "fplPass", .Split = True, .Margins = "0 5 5 5", .Frame = True, _
    .Icon = Icon.User, .DefaultAnchor = "100%"}
    Dim txtCurrentPassword As New Ext.Net.TextField() With _
    {.ID = "txtCurrentPass", .FieldLabel = "Current Password"}
    Dim txtNewPassword As New Ext.Net.TextField() With _
    {.ID = "txtNewPass", .FieldLabel = "New Password", .InputType = InputType.Password}

    Dim txtConfPassword As New Ext.Net.TextField() With _
    {.ID = "txtConfPass", .Vtype = "password", .FieldLabel = "Confirm Password", _
    .InputType = InputType.Password, .MsgTarget = MessageTarget.Side}
    Dim cfgItem As New ConfigItem() With _
    {.Name = "initialPassField", .Value = "#{txtNewPass}", .Mode = ParameterMode.Value}
    Dim btnSaves As New Ext.Net.Button() With _
    {.ID = "btnSave", .Text = "Save", .Icon = Icon.Disk}
    btnSaves.Listeners.Click.Handler = ";"
    Dim btnCancels As New Ext.Net.Button() With _
    {.ID = "btnCancel", .Text = "Cancel", .Icon = Icon.Cancel}

    btnCancels.Listeners.Click.Handler = "#{winPassword}.hide();"
    End Sub
    <DirectMethod()> _
    Public Sub SavePassword()
    'Save New Password
    End Sub

    <!DOCTYPE html>

    <head runat="server">
    <form runat="server">
    <ext:ResourceManager runat="server" />

    <ext:Button ID="btnUser" runat="server" Icon="Group">
    <ext:ToolTip ID="ttUser" runat="server" Html="Change Password" />
    <Click OnEvent="BtnUser_Click"></Click>

    Thanks in advance
  2. #2
  3. #3
    As well, please see item #3 at the following location,
    Geoffrey McGill
  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by geoffrey.mcgill View Post
    As well, please see item #3 at the following location,
    I followed the instructions you recommended above, but the code is not formatted in the
    post editor. The problem continues, the windows doesn't appear.

    I tried the same way that the example in does, as Vladimir recommended, but window doesn't appear.

    Thanks for reply.

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