[CLOSED] Delay loading of data

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] Delay loading of data

    I would like to delay the loading of data until the ListFilter is selected by the user. Is it possible?

    The ListFilter is associated with a Store, which is associated with a LinqDataSource.

    <script type="text/javascript">
             var myCreateMenu = function (config) {
                 var menuCfg = config.menuItems ? {items : config.menuItems} : {},
                 Ext.copyTo(menuCfg, config, "labelField,loadingText,loadOnShow,single,store,options");
                 Ext.apply(menuCfg, {
                     height : 297 ///!!! to get scrolling
                 menu = Ext.create('Ext.ux.grid.menu.ListMenu', menuCfg);
                 menu.self.xtype = "menu"; //!!! workaround for ExtJS bug
                 menu.on('checkchange', this.onCheckChange, this);
                 return menu;
    <ext:GridPanel runat="server" Region="Center" >
          <ext:Store ID="CmdLvl_Store" runat="server" DataSourceId="CmdLvl_LDS">
                <ext:Model runat="server" IDProperty="FullDescr">
                      <ext:ModelField Name="CmdLvl" Mapping="CmdLvl" />
                      <ext:ModelField Name="id" Mapping="FullDescr" />
          <ext:Container runat="server">
                <asp:LinqDataSource ID="CmdLvl_LDS" runat="server" ContextTypeName="CFV.CFVDataContext"
                      OnSelecting="CmdLvlLDS_Selecting" />
       <ColumnModel runat="server">
          <ext:Column runat="server" Text="CmdLvl"   DataIndex="CmdLvl" Align="Center" Hideable="false" width="60" />
          <ext:GridFilters ID="Filters" runat="server">
             <ext:ListFilter DataIndex="CmdLvl" StoreId="CmdLvl_Store" LabelField="id" >
                   <ext:ConfigItem Name="createMenu" Value="myCreateMenu" Mode="Raw" />
    Last edited by Daniil; Aug 08, 2012 at 4:20 PM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2
    Hi Chris,

    I think it should be possible.

    I would try the following.

    1. Do not set up DataSourceID initially.

    2. Set up
    for the Store.

    3. Override the ListFilter createMenu.

    <ext:ListFilter DataIndex="test1" StoreID="StoreOptions" LabelField="test">
            <ext:ConfigItem Name="createMenu" Value="myCreateMenu" Mode="Raw" />
    var myCreateMenu = function (config) {
        var menu = Ext.create('Ext.ux.grid.menu.ListMenu', config);
        menu.on('checkchange', this.onCheckChange, this);
        menu.on('beforeshow', function () { /*call a DirectMethod to bind the Store */ });
        return menu;
    4. Within the DirectMethod call.
    StoreOptions.DataSourceID = SomeDataSourceID;
    Theoretically it should work well. If you will face any problems, please feel free to report.
  3. #3
    I was out yesterday so I am just getting to this today. I have 5 ListFilters so I was hoping to be a little more dynamic. Can I pass the name of the DirectMethod into the createmenu javascript code?

    <ext:ListFilter DataIndex="test1" StoreID="StoreOptions" LabelField="test">
             <ext:ConfigItem Name="createMenu" Value="myCreateMenu" Mode="Raw" />
             <%-- Pass the name of the direct method like 'test1_BindDataSource' --%>
    var myCreateMenu = function (config) {
         var menu = Ext.create('Ext.ux.grid.menu.ListMenu', config);
         var variableHoldingDirectMethod = ??
         menu.on('checkchange', this.onCheckChange, this);
         menu.on('beforeshow', function () {
         return menu; };
    Server Code
    [DirectMethod (ClientProxy = ClientProxy.Ignore)]
    public void test1_BindDataSource()
       StoreOptions.DataSourceId = "Test1_LDS";
  4. #4
    As an additional ConfigItem.
    <ext:ConfigItem Name="directMethodName" Value="someName" Mode="Value" />
    Then you can access it within the createMenu function:
  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Daniil View Post
    As an additional ConfigItem.
    <ext:ConfigItem Name="directMethodName" Value="someName" Mode="Value" />
    Then you can access it within the createMenu function:
    I received the following error 'The ajax instance method 'Click' is absent!' when I tried the
    But when I assigned it
    var aa = this.directMethodName;
    and called
    it worked.

    <ext:ListFilter DataIndex="test1" StoreID="StoreOptions" LabelField="test">
              <ext:ConfigItem Name="createMenu" Value="myCreateMenu" Mode="Raw" />
              <ext:ConfigItem Name="directMethodName" Value="text_BindDataSource" Mode="Value" />
    var myCreateMenu = function (config) {
          var menu = Ext.create('Ext.ux.grid.menu.ListMenu', config);
          var aa = this.directMethodName;
          menu.on('checkchange', this.onCheckChange, this);
          menu.on('beforeshow', function () {
          return menu; };
    Last edited by Daniil; Jun 19, 2012 at 3:59 PM. Reason: Please use [CODE] tags for all code
  6. #6
    Before I will check it, please ensure there is no inconsistency here:
    <ext:ConfigItem Name="directMethodName" Value="text_BindDataSource" Mode="Value" />
    [DirectMethod (ClientProxy = ClientProxy.Ignore)]
    public void test1_BindDataSource()
    I see the different names: "text_BindDataSource" and "test1_BindDataSource".
  7. #7
    Sorry for the poor typing.

    Everything is consistant within my source code but incorrect in the previous post.
    Here it is all fixed up.

    <ext:ListFilter DataIndex="test1" StoreID="StoreOptions" LabelField="test">
               <ext:ConfigItem Name="createMenu" Value="myCreateMenu" Mode="Raw" />
               <ext:ConfigItem Name="directMethodName" Value="test1_BindDataSource" Mode="Value" />
    Server Code
    [DirectMethod (ClientProxy = ClientProxy.Ignore)]
     public void test1_BindDataSource() {
        StoreOptions.DataSourceId = "Test1_LDS";
    Javascript (Works)
    var myCreateMenu = function (config) {
           var menu = Ext.create('Ext.ux.grid.menu.ListMenu', config);
           var aa = this.directMethodName;
             menu.on('checkchange', this.onCheckChange, this);
           menu.on('beforeshow', function () {
           return menu;
    Javascript (Fails)
    I received the following error 'The ajax instance method 'Click' is absent!' when I tried the this.
    var myCreateMenu = function (config) {
           var menu = Ext.create('Ext.ux.grid.menu.ListMenu', config);
           menu.on('checkchange', this.onCheckChange, this);
           menu.on('beforeshow', function () {
           return menu;
  8. #8
    I have just understood the problem. It's a scope issue.

    The scope of the "beforeshow" listener is the menu by default, not the ListFilter.

    So, this
    is just not defined, I think.

    You can set up a custom scope passing it as the third argument of the "on" method.

    So, the following should work.
        function () {
  9. #9
    Hi Chris,

    I have just committed the fix (to the 2.1 branch) related to the topic.

    With that fix the solution can be much simplified/improved.

    The following should work.

    1. Keep
    for the Store.

    2. Set up a PageProxy and an OnReadData handler for the Store.

    3. Just call
    within the OnReadData handler.

    4. The benefits: no need to have CustomConfig for the List Filters and, respectively, any JavaScript.

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