
I've just started working with ext.net and I'm having some issues.

I have the gridpanel being populated with data from a database. But I want to show/hide a "New" icon in each row depending if that data is new in the database (if the column "OPENED_DATE" is within the last 7 days for example).

At the moment I have the Icon.NewRed being shown in every row but am trying to get this for just the new rows. Heres what I have:

ImageCommand imgCom2 = new ImageCommand();
                        imgCom2.Icon = Icon.NewRed;
                        imgCom2.CommandName = "New";
var hideNew = function (command, record) {
    var openedDate = record.get('OPENED_DATE');
    var newDate = new Date("02/07/2012");
    if (openedDate < newDate) {
        command.hidden = true;
<ext:Column ColumnID="PRB_NUMBER" Header="PRB_NUMBER">
                            <ext:ImageCommand Icon="NewRed" CommandName="New">
                        <PrepareCommand Fn="hideNew" />
PRB_NUMBER is the name of the column that the NewRed icon is located.

When I try and run this I get an error at this line in the javascript:
var openedDate = record.get('OPENED_DATE');
saying "Object doesn't support this property or method"

What am I missing? Why doesn't record support the get method?