[CLOSED] Reading grid in the server

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] Reading grid in the server

    To read grids values posted back to the server, we do the following:

    Put this javascript in the event that will cause the postback, i.e. button click:

    <ext:Button ID="btExcluir" runat="server" SkinID="btExcluirSkin">
                                        <ext:Parameter Name="Perfis" Value="Ext.encode(#{gvPerfis}.getRowsValues({selectedOnly:false}))"
                                            Mode="Raw" />
    And in the server we do this to get the value:

    string jsonPerfis = e.ExtraParams["Perfis"];
    PerfilAcesso[] rowsPerfis = JSON.Deserialize<PerfilAcesso[]>(jsonPerfis);
    Is there an easier approach to get the values from a store in the server without using javascrpit in each event and JSON?
    Isn't there a way to read the store or the grid data directly, the same way i can read a TextField?
    Last edited by Daniil; Jul 16, 2012 at 9:46 PM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2

    The Store/GridPanel data is not sent to server automatically. Here are the details.

    So, you should do it manually as you do.

    Though you could improve that in two ways.

    1. Set up a default extra parameter for each DirectEvent/DirectMethod. Like this:

    2. Listen the Store Load and/or DataChanged events to set up the value for some Hidden field, then read its value on server.

    Personally, I would prefer to send the Store/GridPanels data to server for the events only which require this data.
  3. #3
    Hi Daniil,

    Understood, it would really be expensive to send the store to the server on every postback, but please consider creating a way to ease the process in a way that the developer wouldn't have to manually attach the javascript in the parameter every time, deserialize the value, etc.

    I created these methods in our framework to ease the process:

        private static String GetGridSubmitParamName(Store store)
                return String.Format("__SUBMITPARAM_{0}", store.ID);
           public static void ConfigureButtonForStoreDataSubmit(ComponentDirectEvent directEvent, Store storeToBeSubmitted)
                                new Parameter()
                                    Mode = ParameterMode.Raw,
                                    Name = GetGridSubmitParamName(storeToBeSubmitted),
                                    Value = String.Format("Ext.encode(#{{{0}}}.getRecordsValues())", storeToBeSubmitted.ID)
            public static void LoadStoreValue<T>(Store store, DirectEventArgs e)
                String parameterValue = e.ExtraParams[GetGridSubmitParamName(store)];
                store.DataSource = Ext.Net.JSON.Deserialize<T>(parameterValue);
  4. #4
    Please clarify do you have any concrete suggestions? We would be happy to build in the toolkit.

    Generally, the process doesn't look difficult since a developer just needs to call the getRowsValues or getRecordsValues methods (one code line) and deserialize it on server by calling the JSON.Deserialize method (also, one code line).

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