[Razor] - How do I access Ext objects through JavaScript?

  1. #1

    [Razor] - How do I access Ext objects through JavaScript?

    About 9 months ago I was using Ext.Net v1, with ASP.NET forms.

    Now I have just started using v2 with razor. Previously I was able to access any Ext control in JavaScript by it's ID e.g. TextField_ID.setValue("test")

    Now if I use the ID in a JavaScript function, it does not return the Ext object.

    In the example below, I want the populateForm function to set the form values after a combo box item is selected, how should I do this?

    @using Ext.Net
    @using Ext.Net.MVC
    @model Admin.Models.Customer
        ViewBag.Title = "Create";
        Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout_ext.cshtml";
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var populateForm = function (combo, records, eOpts) {
            var data = records[0].data;
            //CompanyName is the wrong way to access the TextField
    @using (Html.BeginForm())
            .Title("Create Customer")
            .Defaults(d =>
                              d.Add(new Parameter("LabelWidth", "200"));
                              d.Add(new Parameter("LabelAlign", "right"));
                              d.Add(new Parameter("Width", "500"));
            .Items(i =>
                           var cb = @Html.X().ComboBox()
                               .FieldLabel("Pull data from InfusionSoft")
                               .EmptyText("Search company name in InfusionSoft")
                               .Store(s =>
                                              var store = new Store { AutoLoad = false };
                                              var proxy = new AjaxProxy { Url = "/webservices/InfusionSoft/FindCompany.ashx" };
                                              var reader = new JsonReader { Root = "companies", TotalProperty = "total" };
                                              proxy.ActionMethods.Read = HttpMethod.POST;
                                              var model = new Model();
                                              model.Fields.Add(new ModelField("CompanyID"));
                                              model.Fields.Add(new ModelField("CompanyName"));
                               .Listeners(l => { l.Select.Fn = "populateForm"; });
                           i.AddRange(new AbstractComponent[]
                                              new TextField {ID = "CompanyName", FieldLabel = "Company Name"},
                                              new TextField {ID = "Addr1", FieldLabel = "Addr1"},
                                              new TextField {ID = "Addr2", FieldLabel = "Addr2"},
                                              new TextField {ID = "Addr3", FieldLabel = "Addr3"},
                                              new TextField {ID = "Addr4", FieldLabel = "Addr4"},
                                              new TextField {ID = "PostCode", FieldLabel = "Post Code"},
                                              new TextField {ID = "CountryId", FieldLabel = "Country"},
                                              new TextField {ID = "Phone1", FieldLabel = "Phone 1"},
                                              new TextArea {ID = "Notes", FieldLabel = "Notes", MinHeight = 200, AutoHeight = true},
        <div class="editor-label">
            Customer Credits
        <div class="editor-field">
            This will be available after you save the new customer.
            @Html.ActionLink("Back to List", "Index")
  2. #2
    I just found out that App is the object I should be accessing.

    My next question is, am I trying to populate the form in the correct manor (using client JS), or is there a better way?

    Also, can you define the fields in a Store Model from a POCO?

    Last edited by mj.daly; Jun 08, 2012 at 2:32 PM.
  3. #3

    accessing Last row in the group, which is loaded in GridPanel

    Quote Originally Posted by mj.daly View Post
    I just found out that App is the object I should be accessing.

    My next question is, am I trying to populate the form in the correct manor (using client JS), or is there a better way?

    Also, can you define the fields in a Store Model from a POCO?


    I am accessing the row of my grid through the Ext.net.DirectMethods.MethodName(par1,par2,...); --> Something like this,

    But i want to get last record in the records[]....
    I tried with records[].data.RevisionNumber...

    But i am not able to get the last record. Actually the list has been loaded into grid. So i want to send the Last row of that group to the server from client, which will be different each time.

    records[0], records[1], records[2] are working, but how to get the last one. I tried with firebug. but i couldnt access last record. Please help me with this.

    I got the solution,
    i tried with records[length].data.RevisionNumber instead of records[Length].data.RevisionNumber .
    there length is case sensitive....
    Last edited by sunilbp; Jul 10, 2012 at 1:41 PM. Reason: solution

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