I have a TreeGrid to update existing items in a database, given a hierarchy. I'm able to populate the tree, then added a TreeGridColumn with an Xtemplate to include a text entry box. I'm trying to fire a listener off the textbox and can't. I thought it would be TextChange but that doesn't do anything. The function is declared with DirectMethod (the function isn't fleshed out yet, just wanted to make sure that it would fire correctly, and it isn't.) Any hints?

UpdateText method:
        public static void UpdateText()
            MessageBox mb = new MessageBox();
            mb.UpdateText("Hello there!");
TreeGrid object:
<ext:TreeGrid ID="TreeGrid1" runat="server" AutoHeight="true" Border="false">
            <ext:TreeGridColumn Header="Baseline" DataIndex="Baseline" Width="420" />
            <ext:TreeGridColumn Header="NewText" DataIndex="NewText" Width="420" />
                <XTemplate ID="textboxTemplate" runat="server">
                        <input id="{ID}" type="text" Width="200" />
            <ext:TreeGridColumn Header="ID" DataIndex="ID" Width="50"/>
            <ext:AsyncTreeNode NodeID="1" Text="Root">
            <ext:PageTreeLoader OnNodeLoad="NodeLoad" />
            <BeforeClick Handler="return !Ext.fly(e.getTarget()).is('input');" />
            <Click Handler="UpdateText();" />