Get the row index of a gridpanel when clicking on a rowcommand

  1. #1

    Get the row index of a gridpanel when clicking on a rowcommand


    I searched the forum and tried google too but I couldn't quite manage to get it working...

    When I click on a rowcommand in my gridpanel the row doesn't get selected so I would like to select it but I can't really get to the row index. Can this be done on the client side or do I have do do it somehow on the server side?

    My non functioning code in the gridpanel:
    	<Click Handler="#{MyGridPanel}.getSelectedModel().selectRow(abc)">
    Is there a possibility that I can get the row index on the row I did a single click somehow into abc (my other stuff: MyGridView, MyGridStore, etc.)? Or is there even a possibility to at the command columns that I can do that they get selected by a single mous click on a rowcommand?

    Thank you very much for your insight.

    best regards!
  2. #2
    I managed it with a workaround (let the user always select a row) but it would be interesting to know how it works otherwise.

    Any ideas anyone?!
  3. #3
    What was your workaround? Mine just suddenly stopped working?
  4. #4

    Sorry, I have no idea anymore where I used that one.... But the my users still use the webapp and haven't complained yet. That something doesn't work. If I stumble upon that part of the code in the next few days I will let you know.


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