First Install (ASP.NET 3.5 version)

  1. #1

    First Install (ASP.NET 3.5 version)

    I downloaded and installed the Installshield installer version. Everything installed normally.

    I found the README.txt file in the C:\Program Files\Coolite directory and was able to get all of the Controls added to my Visual Studio 2008 toolbox no problem.

    I added a Coolite.ScriptManager control to the page.

    I added a simple Window control to a blank .aspx page called Default.aspx. I ran the page.

    No errors, no exceptions. But nothing shows up. It's just blank/white.

    Here is the code I used on the page:

    <!-- section at very top of page -->
    <%@ Register assembly="Coolite.Web.UI" namespace="Coolite.Web.UI" tagprefix="cool" %>
    <!-- section in <form id="form1" runat="server"> section -->
    <cool:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" />
        <cool:Window ID="Window1" runat="server" Height="381px" Width="577px" style="margin-right: 0">
    I looked around on the forums but couldn't find anyone with this same issue. I tried to click on your documentation but the link appears to be dead currently. I tried messing with the Web.Config with some of the settings you mentioned in other forums but nothing seems to work.

    I thought maybe the paths to the Ext files were not correct so I checked the source of the rendered HTML page and this is what I saw:

     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/MyWebProject/Coolite/ExtJS/resources/css/ext-all-embedded/css/cool.axd" />
     <script type="text/javascript" src="/MyWebProject/Coolite/ExtJS/adapter/ext/ext-base/js/cool.axd"></script>
     <script type="text/javascript" src="/Inteum/Coolite/ExtJS/ext-all/js/cool.axd"></script>
     <script type="text/javascript">Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL='/MyWebProject/WebResource.axd?d=7ByHSY3brcvU_0xj1NO5NmqL0tNNvucShIgCWTq801kNaYdYj1_BmwfbaDupNnRLmNRf0DRQRZJ40GmbmitQE817LFeOTL-J8C7nYTFMkk01&amp;amp;t=633386555640000000';Ext.onReady(function(){Ext.QuickTips.init();this.Window1=new Ext.Window({id:"Window1",height:381,width:577,contentEl:"Window1_Content"});});</script>
    What am I missing in terms of setup?

    (Platform: Windows XP Pro SP2, Visual Studio 2008 Professional)
  2. #2

    RE: First Install (ASP.NET 3.5 version)

    Looks perfect so far. I think you just need to set the AutoShow property on the Window to "true". By default the Window does not display, you must explicitly 'show' the window.

    I think I'll change the default cool:Window tag to set this property automatically when added to the Page. That should avoid this confusion in the future.

    You could also try the Panel control.


    <cool:Panel runat="server" id="Panel1" />
    You could also copy/paste one of the samples from Examples section to test that everything is working.
    Geoffrey McGill
  3. #3

    RE: First Install (ASP.NET 3.5 version)

    Yes, that was it.

    I have to tell you that this parameter wasn't apparently obvious. I would vote that the default be true instead of false.

    Very helpful, thanks! Love the libraries!
  4. #4

    RE: First Install (ASP.NET 3.5 version)

    Quick update... With the latest release, the AutoShow property has been set to 'true' by default. Now you can just drag/drop a Window control onto your Page, save and then view in a browser.

    Hope this helps.
    Geoffrey McGill

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