Hi I'm new to ext.net, and I'm currently facing a problem.
I need to change the format of my date which I display in my grid with sorting function, and also I need to export the date field into excel format too.
I require this date format (11:28 am, Apr-30-2012). I had no problem in populating and exporting the date field in chrome, but in IE 9 and Firefox 12 I'm getting "Date.monthNames[c] is undefined" error. Can anyone help me. Below is my code for the data store and data grid. I'm passing a date object to the DateTime field in the store.

<ext:Store ID="EventHistoryStore" runat="server" >
<ext:RecordField Name="Id" SortType="AsInt"/>
<ext:RecordField Name="Device" SortType="AsUCText" />
<ext:RecordField Name="EventDescription" SortType="AsUCText"/>
<ext:RecordField Name="DateTime" Type="Date">
<Convert Handler="return Ext.util.Format.date(value,'h:i a, M-d-o')" />
<ext:RecordField Name="EventType" SortType="AsUCText"/>

<ext:GridPanel runat="server" ID="DataGridPanel" AutoWidth="True" AutoHeight="False" Height="497" TrackMouseOver="true" StoreID="EventHistoryStore" Title="Event History" AutoExpandColumn="Event">
<ColumnModel ID="HistoryColumnModel" runat="server">
<ext:Column ColumnID="Id" Header="#" Hidden="True" DataIndex="Id"/>
<ext:Column ColumnID="Device" Header="Device" Sortable="True" Width="250" DataIndex="Device" />
<ext:Column ColumnID="Event" Header="Event" Sortable="True" DataIndex="EventDescription" />
<ext:DateColumn ColumnID="DateTime" DataIndex="DateTime" Header="Date & Time" Sortable="True" Width="250" Format="hh:mm tt, MMM-dd-yyyy" />