grid panel inside a window

  1. #1

    grid panel inside a window

    i have this resize listener inside a grid panel

          <Resize Handler="alert(#{extgpPublishedQS}.getInnerHeight());" />
    it is producing a javascript error if i resize the window which contains this grid panel "object does not support this method"

    i have this window and a grid panel inside it with an autowidth and autoheight (grid panel), my problem is that vertical scrollbar appears on the window so the whole gridpanel is scrolling (including its topbar), how can i adjust to make the grid panel scroll? i mean, no scrolling for the window,,, but the vertical scrolling should appear only on the grid panel (so that the top bar and header of the grid panel will not be scrolling vertically as well, only the body of the grid panel...
  2. #2

    RE: grid panel inside a window


    Remove Auto size from grid panel. Put into the Window FitLayout and to the layout GridPanel
  3. #3

    RE: grid panel inside a window

    as you have said, remove autoheight from grid panel and have window with fit layout

     <ext:GridPanel ID="extgpQS" runat="server" Border="false" StoreID="extstoreQS" AutoHeight="false" AutoWidth="true" AutoExpandColumn="content" AutoScroll="true" >
                            <ColumnModel runat="server">  .....

    that grid panel above is inside a window (code below) iframe

    win = new Ext.Window({renderTo: Ext.getBody(), 
                            id: 'extwinCon_' + dv.getRecord(node).get('id'), 
                            title: 'Content', 
                            constrain: false, 
                            autoLoad: { url: "Pages/Content.aspx?pqsid=" + dv.getRecord(node).get('id'), mode:"iframe", showMask: true, maskMsg: "Loading..." }, 
                            width:640, height:480, layout: "fit", autoScroll: false,
                            tbar: (toolbar)

    when the grid panel have no height value and autoheight is false, its body is not showing... i need that the grid panel's height will automatically adjust to the container window's height, please help
  4. #4

    RE: grid panel inside a window


    If *gird panel in page which loaded to the Window iframe then add to the page (where grid) viewport and in center region put that grid

  5. #5

    RE: grid panel inside a window

    ok thanks a lot, works great

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