
I have a grid which I have bound to a list of objects which is about 20,000 in total. To ensure that the page is not too heavy I dont load this up to begin with and I have a textfield which I get the user to type into to filter the list before populating the grid.

This works successfully by putting a Buffer delay on the keyup event of the TextField

<ext:TextField ID="assetFilter" runat="server" Cls="text" Width="400" EnableKeyEvents="true">
                <KeyUp Buffer="200" OnEvent="assetFilter_Change" />
This works and loads the grid but obviously one call is made after 200ms and another is maded after another 200ms. The problem is that it doesnt cancel the first query and from a user experience the grid is loaded twice.

I think the store has this functionality inbuilt when bound to a objectdatasource or something similar and I also realise tha tthis is not a bug nor an Ext.Net issue but I thought this scenario is quite often used with the controls so I was hoping that someone could help me out.
