[CLOSED] GridPanel created in Javascript. Reconfigure.

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] GridPanel created in Javascript. Reconfigure.


    I'm creating the gridPanel in Javascript, this way:

    var getGrid = function (title) {
                return {
                    id: "panel1",
                    xtype: "panel",
                    flex: 1,
                    items: [{
                        store: {
                            model: Ext.define("SuperaWeb.SGCO.modelExplorerWebContext", {
                                extend: "Ext.data.Model",
                                fields: [{
                                    name: "ID",
                                    type: "int"
                                }, {
                                    name: "Name",
                                    type: "string"
                            storeId: "Store1",
                            type: "paging",
                            autoLoad: true,
                            pageSize: 10,
                            remoteSort: true,
                            proxy: {
                                data: [{
                                    "ID": "1",
                                    "Name": "Anderson Silva"
                                }, {
                                    "ID": "1",
                                    "Name": "José Aldo"
                                }, {
                                    "ID": "1",
                                    "Name": "Vitor Belfort"
                                }, {
                                    "ID": "1",
                                    "Name": "Lyoto Machida"
                                }, {
                                    "ID": "1",
                                    "Name": "Maurício Shogun Rua"
                                type: 'pagingmemory'
                        id: "gridPanel1",
                        xtype: "grid",
                        flex: 1,
                        bbar: {
                            id: "tbPaging1",
                            xtype: "pagingtoolbar",
                            displayInfo: true,
                            store: "Store1"
                        columns: {
                            items: [{
                                dataIndex: "ID",
                                text: "ID"
                            }, {
                                dataIndex: "Name",
                                text: "Name"
                        selModel: window.SuperaWeb.SGCO.rsmExplorerWebContext = Ext.create("Ext.selection.RowModel", {
                            proxyId: "rsmExplorerWebContext",
                            selType: "rowmodel"
                    layout: "fit",
                    title: "Test of OnDirectClick!"
    I wish reconfigure the grid with another data.
    I'm trying use the grid.reconfigure(store, columns)....
    columns, ok... but store don´t is 'replace' or reconfigured...

    I'm creating then new store as follow:

    store = new Ext.data.Store({
                            model: Ext.define("SuperaWeb.SGCO.modelExplorerWebContext", {
                                extend: "Ext.data.Model",
                                fields: [{
                                    name: "ID",
                                    type: "int"
                                }, {
                                    name: "Name",
                                    type: "string"
                                , {
                                    name: "Birthdate",
                                    type: "date",
                                    format: "M$"
                            storeId: "Store1",
                            type: "paging",
                            autoLoad: true,
                            pageSize: 10,
                            remoteSort: true,
                            proxy: {
                                data: [{
                                    "ID": "10",
                                    "Name": "xxxxxxxxxxx",
                                }, {
                                    "ID": "11",
                                    "Name": "yyyyyyyyyyyyyy",
                                type: 'pagingmemory'
    I understand that this support is not the responsibility of the staff of ext.net...
    But it would be very grateful if I pointed a way.

    thanks for any help.
    Last edited by Daniil; Apr 27, 2012 at 2:04 PM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2

    I am unable to reproduce. Here is the example I've tested with.

    <%@ Page Language="C#" %>
    <%@ Register Assembly="Ext.Net" Namespace="Ext.Net" TagPrefix="ext" %>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <head runat="server">
        <title>Ext.NET v2 Example</title>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            var renderGrid = function () {
                Ext.create("Ext.grid.Panel", {
                    id : "GridPanel1",
                    renderTo : Ext.getBody(),
                    autoHeight : true,
                    store : {
                        model : Ext.define(Ext.id(), {
                            extend : "Ext.data.Model",
                            fields : [{
                                name : "test"
                        autoLoad : true,
                        proxy : {
                            data : [["test1"], ["test2"], ["test3"]],
                            type : 'memory',
                            reader : { 
                                type : "array" 
                    columns : {
                        items : [{
                            dataIndex : "test",
                            text : "Test"
            var reconfigureGrid = function () {
                var grid = Ext.getCmp("GridPanel1"),
                store = new Ext.data.Store({
                    model : Ext.define(Ext.id(), {
                        extend : "Ext.data.Model",
                        fields : [{
                            name : "test1",
                        }, {
                            name : "test2",
                    autoLoad : true,
                    proxy : {
                        data : [["test11", "test12"], ["test21", "test22"], ["test31", "test32"]],
                        type : 'memory',
                        reader : { 
                            type : "array" 
                columns = [{
                    dataIndex : "test1",
                    text : "Test1"
                }, {
                    dataIndex : "test2",
                    text : "Test2"
                grid.reconfigure(store, columns);
        <ext:ResourceManager runat="server" />
        <ext:Button runat="server" Text="Render grid" Handler="renderGrid" />
        <ext:Button runat="server" Text="Reconfigure grid" Handler="reconfigureGrid" />
    Please provide your simplified test case.
  3. #3
    Hi Daniil!

    Follow your example, I got!

    Thanks a lot...

    Now, I have some problem with toolbarPaging! After reconfigure, don't self refresh with new data. Start new thread?
  4. #4
    Lets continue the current thread, it looks to be tightly related

    I think you should call the bindStore method for the PagingToolbar.

  5. #5

    Thanks a lot, Daniil!

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