saving dynamically-created controls' values

  1. #1

    saving dynamically-created controls' values

    I have the following window in which I'm creating controls from the code-behind and adding them to the FieldSet:

            <ext:Window ID="winMapping" runat="server" AutoHeight="true" Closable="false" Width="400" AutoShow="false" Modal="true" Hidden="true" Layout="FitLayout" Icon="TableRelationship" OnLoad="winMapping_OnLoad" Maximizable="true">
                    <ext:FormPanel ID="fpMapping" runat="server" AutoHeight="true" Padding="5" MonitorValid="true" MonitorPoll="500">
                            <ext:Parameter Name="MsgTarget" Value="side" />
                            <ext:Hidden ID="hidSCFElementId" runat="server" />
                            <ext:Hidden ID="hidSourceSystemMappingId" runat="server" />
                            <ext:Hidden ID="hidRequestType" runat="server" />
                            <ext:FieldSet ID="fsSegmentFieldPairs" runat="server" Title="Segment/Field Pairs" Layout="FormLayout" Collapsible="false">
                                    <ext:Hidden ID="hidFieldPairId_1" runat="server" />
                                    <ext:TextField ID="txtSegment_1" runat="server" FieldLabel="Segment/Table 1" Width="200" AllowBlank="false" />
                                    <ext:TextField ID="txtFieldName_1" runat="server" FieldLabel="Field Name 1" Width="200" AllowBlank="false" />
                                    <ext:Toolbar runat="server">
                                            <ext:Button ID="btnAddPair" runat="server" Text="Add Pair" Icon="Add" StandOut="true">
                                                    <Click OnEvent="btnAddPair_Click" />
                            <ext:Button ID="btnSaveMapping" runat="server" Text="Save" Icon="Disk" AutoPostBack="false">
                                    <Click Handler="saveMappings(#{fsSegmentFieldPairs});" />
    Here's a snippet of code depicting how I add dynamic controls to the FieldSet:

                        hid = new Hidden();
                        hid.ID = String.Format("hidFieldPairId_{0}", intIndex + 1);
                        txt = new TextField();
                        txt.ID = String.Format("txtSegment_{0}", intIndex + 1);
                        txt.FieldLabel = String.Format("Segment/Table {0}", intIndex + 1);
                        txt.Width = 200;
                        txt.AllowBlank = false;
                        txt = new TextField();
                        txt.ID = String.Format("txtFieldName_{0}", intIndex + 1);
                        txt.FieldLabel = String.Format("Field Name {0}", intIndex + 1);
                        txt.Width = 200;
                        txt.AllowBlank = false;
    When I click the Window's "Save" button, the function shown below is invoked on the client. The code recognizes that I have added new controls (fsSegmentFieldPairs.items.length has the correct number). None of the dynamically-created controls have a value attribute on them. What am I doing wrong? How do I retrieve the value from these newly created controls?

            var saveMappings = function (fsSegmentFieldPairs) {
                var ctrl = null;
                var intSourceSystemMappingFieldId = null;
                var strSegment, strField, strListItem;
                var arrCtrl = [];
                for (var intIndex = 0; intIndex < fsSegmentFieldPairs.items.length; intIndex++) {
                    ctrl = fsSegmentFieldPairs.items.items[intIndex];
                    if ("hidFieldPairId_") > -1) {
                        intSourceSystemMappingFieldId = ctrl.value;
                        // if there is no value, then this pair needs to be added to the DB
                        if (ctrl.value !== undefined && ctrl.value !== null) {
                            intSourceSystemMappingFieldId = parseInt(ctrl.value);
                    else if ("txtSegment_") > -1) {
                        strSegment = ctrl.value;
                    else if ("txtFieldName_") > -1) {
                        strField = ctrl.value;
                        strListItem = intSourceSystemMappingFieldId + "|" + strSegment + "|" + strField;
                for (var intIndex = 0; intIndex < arrCtrl.length; intIndex++) {
  2. #2

    Please use the getValue method to get a field value.!...ethod-getValue

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