I have this button:

<ext:Button ID="btnVista" runat="server" Icon="ApplicationKey" EnableToggle="true" Pressed="false">
<ext:ToolTip ID="tipVista" runat="server" Html="<%$ Resources:LocalizedText, DinamicasTransaccionales_Toolbar_Boton_Vista %>" AutoWidth="true" />
<Click Handler="alert('Hi there!');" />
When I click it using the mouse, show a message "Hi There!" and the button is showed as pressed.

But when I call it using javascript:

Show the message "Hi There!" but the button still showing as no pressed.

¿Why this happend or how can do the button show as pressed using Javascript?

I'm trying using:

#{btnVista}.pressed = true;

#{btnVista}.pressed = false;
The pressed value change, but visualy the button don't show as pressed.

Thanks!!! Sorry my english isn't very good!