Horizontal Accordion V2.0

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  1. #11
    I think it should be possible.

    1. Remove AnimCollapse="false"

    2. Re-work the JavaScript to expand a Panel when the rest ones are actually collapsed (i.e. after animation)
  2. #12
    Hi Daniil,

    When i remove the AnimCollapse and when i don't change anything to the javascript. Then the collapsing isn't working correct anymore.
    It still calls the .collapse in the javascript, but it's not executed in the browser.

  3. #13
    Please review.

    Quote Originally Posted by Daniil View Post
    2. Re-work the JavaScript to expand a Panel when the rest ones are actually collapsed (i.e. after animation)
  4. #14
    Yes i saw this one, but i don't understand. Because the collapse is already called.
    When do i need to do the collapse then?

    Kind Regards
  5. #15
    Well, the main point in my statement is:
    (i.e. after animation)
    If a collapse call occurs before animation stops, it breaks the things.

    So, it needs to call the collapse method after animation.
  6. #16
    This is an older thread but I have the same requirement to use a horizontal accordion layout. The proposed code does have the basic behaviour of the accordion but it's missing the visual cues of the accordion, the +/- icons, and some behaviours such as opening up the next panel when the current panel is collapsed or the previous one if it's the last panel being collapsed...

    I am trying to get the +/- icons to be displayed.

    If I add a minus tool to the panels and code to collapse the panel on click, how can I get the plus tool to show on the collapsed header?

    I noticed that if I change the markup to show the collapse tool instead, I get a collapse-left and expand-right icon, almost what I want, but I can't get to change the icons to +/- and I would also have to override the normal code for collapse/expand...

  7. #17

    Quote Originally Posted by vgvallee View Post
    This is an older thread but I have the same requirement to use a horizontal accordion layout. The proposed code does have the basic behaviour of the accordion but it's missing the visual cues of the accordion, the +/- icons, and some behaviours such as opening up the next panel when the current panel is collapsed or the previous one if it's the last panel being collapsed...

    I am trying to get the +/- icons to be displayed.

    If I add a minus tool to the panels and code to collapse the panel on click, how can I get the plus tool to show on the collapsed header?

    I noticed that if I change the markup to show the collapse tool instead, I get a collapse-left and expand-right icon, almost what I want, but I can't get to change the icons to +/- and I would also have to override the normal code for collapse/expand...

    Since, your requirements are different and you are a Premium Member, it's better to start a new thread.
    Last edited by Baidaly; Jun 28, 2013 at 12:07 AM.
  8. #18
    I modified Daniil's sample. You can use it to start:

    <%@ Page Language="C#" %>
    <%@ Register Assembly="Ext.Net" Namespace="Ext.Net" TagPrefix="ext" %>
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <head runat="server">
        <title>Ext.NET v2 Example</title>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            var onRender = function (panel)     {
                var leftDockedItems = panel.getDockedItems("header[dock='left']"),
                if (leftDockedItems.length > 0) {
                    leftDockedItem = leftDockedItems[0];
                    leftDockedItem.on("click", onLeftDockedItemClick, panel);
                    var task = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(function () {
                            "type": "left",
                            listeners: {
                                click: {
                                    fn: onLeftDockedItemClick,
                                    scope: panel
                } else {
                    panel.on("collapse", onRender, panel, { single: true });
            var onLeftDockedItemClick = function () {
                var me = this;
                me.ownerCt.items.each(function (item) {
                    if (me !== item && item.collapse && !item.collapsed) {
        <ext:ResourceManager runat="server" SourceFormatting="True" />
        <ext:Window runat="server" Width="600" Height="150">
                <ext:HBoxLayoutConfig Align="Stretch" DefaultMargins="2 0" />
                    Title="Panel 1"
                        <Render Fn="onRender" />
                    <HeaderConfig TitlePosition="0">
                            <ext:Tool runat="server" Type="Left"></ext:Tool>
                    Title="Panel 2"
                        <Render Fn="onRender" />
                    <HeaderConfig TitlePosition="0">
                            <ext:Tool runat="server" Type="Left"></ext:Tool>
                    Title="Panel 3"
                        <Render Fn="onRender" />
                    <HeaderConfig TitlePosition="0">
                            <ext:Tool runat="server" Type="Left"></ext:Tool>
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