Window and User Control

  1. #1

    Window and User Control

    need your help, I have a user control with a window, this takes the
    information sent from a page, when I save the information, text field
    is blank, can you help?.
    Thank you.
    ASP Page
                            <ext:Button ID="bEditJobTitle" runat="server" Text="Editar" Icon="NoteEdit">
                            <Click OnEvent="ShowParamWindow"></Click>
    <uc1:wucParamWindow ID="wucParamWindow1" runat="server" />
        public void ShowParamWindow(object sender, AjaxEventArgs e)
    public partial class wucParamWindow : System.Web.UI.UserControl
        public void Show(int companyId, int fieldId, EParameterType parameterType, EActionType actionType)
              //Here, take the parameters are set correctly and to hdnParent
              this.hdnParent.Text = string.Format("{0};{1};{2};{3}", companyId, fieldId, Convert.ToInt32(parameterType), Convert.ToInt32(actionType));    
        protected void bPrmSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string[] arrInfo = this.hdnParent.Text.Split(';'); //Here, in obtaining the information is blank
                ParameterBridge parameterBridge = new ParameterBridge();
                                                this.txtParamName.Text, // Here, in obtaining the information is blank
    Thank you.

  2. #2

    RE: Window and User Control

    Hi gpcontreras,

    Your code sample does not include the <ext:TextField> component? Can you post a full (but simplified) sample demonstrating both the .aspx and .ascx markup.
    Last edited by geoffrey.mcgill; Mar 31, 2012 at 2:55 AM.
    Geoffrey McGill
  3. #3

    RE: Window and User Control

    Here the complete code, thanks.

    <%@ Register src="~/UserControls/wucParamwindow.ascx" tagname="wucParamWindow" tagprefix="uc1" %>
    <asp:Content ID="ContentEBusiness" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" Runat="Server">
        <ext:TabPanel ID="tbpConfiguration" runat="server" ActiveTabIndex="0" 
            Frame="True" Height="700px">
                <ext:Tab ID="tbDepartament" runat="server" Title="Departamentos" Frame="true" Icon="ApplicationViewTile">
                        <ext:Store ID="StoreDepartament" runat="server" AutoDataBind="true" AutoLoad="true" OnRefreshData="StoreDepartament_RefreshData">
                        <ext:GridPanel ID="GridDepartament" runat="server" ...>
                          <ColumnModel ID="ctl366" IDMode="Legacy">
                                     <ext:RowSelectionModel ID="RowSelectionModelDepartament" runat="server" SingleSelect="true" />
                                <ext:PagingToolBar ID="ptbDepartament" runat="server" PageSize="20" />
                           <ext:Button ID="bAddDepartament" runat="server" Text="Agregar" Icon="Add">
                            <Click OnEvent="ShowParamWindow"></Click>
                           <ext:Button ID="bEditDepartament" runat="server" Text="Editar" Icon="NoteEdit">
                            <Click OnEvent="ShowParamWindow"></Click>
                           <ext:Button ID="bDeleteDepartament" runat="server" Text="Eliminar" Icon="Delete"></ext:Button>
        <uc1:wucParamWindow ID="wucParamWindow1" runat="server" />
    using System;
    public partial class BasicConfig : System.Web.UI.Page
            public void ShowParamWindow(object sender, AjaxEventArgs e)
            Coolite.Ext.Web.Button bParent = (Coolite.Ext.Web.Button)sender;

    <ext:Window ID="winParam" runat="server" Icon="Application" Title="Valor" 
        Closable="False" Height="150px" Width="350px" Modal="True" 
            <ext:FormPanel ID="fpParam" runat="server" BodyStyle="padding:5px;" ButtonAlign="Right"
                Frame="true" Height="100px" LabelWidth="50" Width="340px">
                    <ext:FormLayout ID="flParam" runat="server">
                        <ext:Anchor Horizontal="90%">
                            <ext:TextField ID="txtParamName" runat="server" FieldLabel="Valor">
                        <ext:Anchor Horizontal="90%">
                              <ext:TextField  ID="hdnParent" runat="server" />
                <ext:Button runat="server" ID="bPrmSave" Text="Grabar" Icon="Disk">
               <AjaxEvents >
              <Click OnEvent="bPrmSave_Click">
                <EventMask  ShowMask="true" Msg="Verifying..." MinDelay="500" />
    using System;
    public partial class wucParamWindow : System.Web.UI.UserControl
        public void Show(int companyId, int fieldId, EParameterType parameterType, EActionType actionType)
              this.hdnParent.Text = string.Format("{0};{1};{2};{3}", companyId, fieldId, Convert.ToInt32(parameterType), Convert.ToInt32(actionType));    
        protected void bPrmSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string[] arrInfo = this.hdnParent.Text.Split(';');
                ParameterBridge parameterBridge = new ParameterBridge();
  4. #4

    Window and User Control

    I had the same problem. You need to add the UC into the contents of a panel in order for Ext UI controls to render. The confusing part is that Stores will render outside of the Panel but your windows wont.

    Watch uc1:FullTimesheet (has Stores and 3 windows), stores always load, but the windows on load when placed into the content of a panel not on the View itself.

    </TopBar>                            <Content>
                                  <ext:Panel Visible="true" ID="Panel44444" Layout="Fit" runat="server"  Border="false" AllowDomMove="False" AnimCollapse="false" BodyBorder="false" CollapseFirst="False" Header="False" HeaderAsText="False" HideBorders="true" HideCollapseTool="True" HideLabel="True">
                                        <ext:RowLayout ID="RowLayout1" runat="server">
                                                <ext:LayoutRow RowHeight="0.5">
                                                    <ext:Panel ID="FullTCPanelForWeek1" runat="server" Border="true" AllowDomMove="False" AnimCollapse="False" BodyBorder="false" CollapseFirst="False" Header="False" HeaderAsText="False" HideBorders="false" HideCollapseTool="True" HideLabel="True" HideParent="True">
                                                            <uc1:FullTimesheet ID="FullTimesheet1" runat="server" />
                                                            <uc4:TC ID="TC1" runat="server"  WeekNumber="1" Visible="true"/>
    </TopBar>                            <Content>
                                   <uc1:FullTimesheet ID="FullTimesheet1" runat="server" />
                                  <ext:Panel Visible="true" ID="Panel44444" Layout="Fit" runat="server"  Border="false" AllowDomMove="False" AnimCollapse="false" BodyBorder="false" CollapseFirst="False" Header="False" HeaderAsText="False" HideBorders="true" HideCollapseTool="True" HideLabel="True">
                                        <ext:RowLayout ID="RowLayout1" runat="server">
                                                <ext:LayoutRow RowHeight="0.5">
                                                    <ext:Panel ID="FullTCPanelForWeek1" runat="server" Border="true" AllowDomMove="False" AnimCollapse="False" BodyBorder="false" CollapseFirst="False" Header="False" HeaderAsText="False" HideBorders="false" HideCollapseTool="True" HideLabel="True" HideParent="True">
                                                            <uc4:TC ID="TC1" runat="server"  WeekNumber="1" Visible="true"/>

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