[CLOSED] Rendering Issue in MVC

Hybrid View

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  1. #1

    [CLOSED] Rendering Issue in MVC

    Hi Am dynamically building control and adding in view. Everything works fine but HighCharts inside "PC1" doesn't render below is the code.

        url: "/ux/extensions/portal/portal-js/ext.axd?v=16881"
    }, {
        url: "/extnet/extnet-data-js/ext.axd?v=16881"
    }, {
        mode: "css",
        url: "/ux/extensions/portal/css/portal-embedded-css/ext.axd?v=16881"
    }], function () {
        new Ext.ux.Portal({
            id: "idba87ee5e6ddd4957a77ffb5dff3e516a",
            xtype: "portal",
            items: [{
                id: "PC0",
                xtype: "portalcolumn",
                columnWidth: 0.5,
                items: [{
                    id: "Portlet1",
                    xtype: "portlet",
                    defaultAnchor: "-20",
                    cls: "x-column-padding",
                    style: "position:relative;",
                    plugins: this.id58c23fb09cd94b4c8ba14137a0a3f795 = new MaximizeTool({}),
                    height: 400,
                    items: {
                        store: this.st1 = new Ext.ux.data.PagingStore({
                            proxyId: "st1",
                            autoLoad: true,
                            reader: new Ext.data.JsonReader({
                                fields: [{
                                    name: "accno"
                                }, {
                                    name: "name"
                                }, {
                                    name: "branch"
                            directEventConfig: {},
                            proxy: new Ext.data.PagingMemoryProxy([{
                                "accno": "26",
                                "name": "Peter",
                                "branch": "Melbourne"
                            }, {
                                "accno": "18",
                                "name": "John",
                                "branch": "Brisbane"
                            }], false)
                        id: "GvTransactions",
                        xtype: "netgrid",
                        autoScroll: true,
                        height: 200,
                        monitorResize: true,
                        layout: "fit",
                        stripeRows: true,
                        trackMouseOver: true,
                        selectionMemory: false,
                        cm: this.id091fcdba3d4b487c93f145b39c81cd07 = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel({
                            proxyId: "",
                            columns: [{
                                dataIndex: "accno",
                                header: "accno",
                                id: "accno"
                            }, {
                                dataIndex: "name",
                                header: "name",
                                id: "name"
                            }, {
                                dataIndex: "branch",
                                header: "branch",
                                id: "branch"
                    layout: "anchor",
                    closable: true,
                    frame: true,
                    title: "Portlet - 1",
                    tools: [{
                        id: "gear",
                        handler: function (event, toolEl, panel) {
                        qtip: "Edit Gadget"
                    }, {
                        id: "close",
                        handler: function (event, toolEl, panel) {
                        qtip: "Close Gadget"
                }, {
                    id: "Portlet3",
                    xtype: "portlet",
                    defaultAnchor: "-20",
                    cls: "x-column-padding",
                    style: "position:relative;",
                    plugins: this.id5109807e89e3461fab22c7c472cc181d = new MaximizeTool({}),
                    height: 400,
                    layout: "anchor",
                    closable: true,
                    frame: true,
                    title: "Portlet - 3",
                    tools: [{
                        id: "gear",
                        handler: function (event, toolEl, panel) {
                        qtip: "Edit Gadget"
                    }, {
                        id: "close",
                        handler: function (event, toolEl, panel) {
                        qtip: "Close Gadget"
                }, {
                    id: "Portlet5",
                    xtype: "portlet",
                    defaultAnchor: "-20",
                    cls: "x-column-padding",
                    style: "position:relative;",
                    plugins: this.id6a1e903c5d61495abcecd223ae776d0e = new MaximizeTool({}),
                    height: 400,
                    layout: "anchor",
                    closable: true,
                    frame: true,
                    title: "Portlet - 5",
                    tools: [{
                        id: "gear",
                        handler: function (event, toolEl, panel) {
                        qtip: "Edit Gadget"
                    }, {
                        id: "close",
                        handler: function (event, toolEl, panel) {
                        qtip: "Close Gadget"
                layout: "auto"
            }, {
                id: "PC1",
                xtype: "portalcolumn",
                columnWidth: 0.5,
                items: [{
                    id: "Portlet2",
                    xtype: "portlet",
                    html: "<div id='chart_container'></div>\r\n<script type='text/javascript'>\r\nvar chart;\r\n$(document).ready(function() {\r\n\tchart = new Highcharts.Chart({\r\n\t\tchart: { renderTo:'chart_container', defaultSeriesType: 'line' }, \r\n\t\tplotOptions: { line: { dataLabels: { enabled: true }, enableMouseTracking: false } }, \r\n\t\tsubtitle: { text: 'Source: WorldClimate.com' }, \r\n\t\ttitle: { text: 'Monthly Average Temperature' }, \r\n\t\ttooltip: { enabled: true, formatter: function() { return '<b>'+ this.series.name +'</b><br/>'+ this.x +': '+ this.y +'°C'; } }, \r\n\t\txAxis: { categories: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'] }, \r\n\t\tyAxis: { title: { text: 'Temperature (°C)' } }, \r\n\t\tseries: [{ data: [7, 6.9, 9.5, 14.5, 18.2, 21.5, 25.2, 26.5, 23.3, 18.3, 13.9, 9.6], name: 'Tokyo' }]\r\n\t});\r\n});\r\n</script>\r\n",
                    defaultAnchor: "-20",
                    cls: "x-column-padding",
                    style: "position:relative;",
                    plugins: this.idebe4492ace134ca6bbf3b074217ab4fd = new MaximizeTool({}),
                    height: 400,
                    layout: "anchor",
                    closable: true,
                    frame: true,
                    title: "Portlet - 2",
                    tools: [{
                        id: "gear",
                        handler: function (event, toolEl, panel) {
                        qtip: "Edit Gadget"
                    }, {
                        id: "close",
                        handler: function (event, toolEl, panel) {
                        qtip: "Close Gadget"
                }, {
                    id: "Portlet4",
                    xtype: "portlet",
                    defaultAnchor: "-20",
                    cls: "x-column-padding",
                    style: "position:relative;",
                    plugins: this.id5cede5cc79af453e933a6e73a6900ade = new MaximizeTool({}),
                    height: 400,
                    layout: "anchor",
                    closable: true,
                    frame: true,
                    title: "Portlet - 4",
                    tools: [{
                        id: "gear",
                        handler: function (event, toolEl, panel) {
                        qtip: "Edit Gadget"
                    }, {
                        id: "close",
                        handler: function (event, toolEl, panel) {
                        qtip: "Close Gadget"
                }, {
                    id: "Portlet6",
                    xtype: "portlet",
                    defaultAnchor: "-20",
                    cls: "x-column-padding",
                    style: "position:relative;",
                    plugins: this.ida4d05c35260843b0a192b5668a799d58 = new MaximizeTool({}),
                    height: 400,
                    layout: "anchor",
                    closable: true,
                    frame: true,
                    title: "Portlet - 6",
                    tools: [{
                        id: "gear",
                        handler: function (event, toolEl, panel) {
                        qtip: "Edit Gadget"
                    }, {
                        id: "close",
                        handler: function (event, toolEl, panel) {
                        qtip: "Close Gadget"
                layout: "auto"
            layoutConfig: {
                fitHeight: false
            layout: "netcolumn",
            border: false,
            listeners: {
                beforedragover: {
                    fn: function (e) {
                        Ext.Msg.alert('BeforeDrop', String.format('Panel: {0}<br />ColumnIndex: {1}<br />Position: {2}', e.panel.id, e.columnIndex, e.position));
                drop: {
                    fn: function (e) {
                        Ext.Msg.alert('Drop', String.format('Panel: {0}<br />ColumnIndex: {1}<br />Position: {2}', e.panel.id, e.columnIndex, e.position));
        Portlet1.on("beforehide", function (e) {
                url: '/Data/TestUI',
                method: 'POST',
                cleanRequest: true,
                extraParams: {
                    Id: this.id
        st1.callbackRefreshHandler(response, {
            serviceResponse: {
                success: true,
                data: {
                    data: [{
                        "accno": "26",
                        "name": "Peter",
                        "branch": "Melbourne"
                    }, {
                        "accno": "18",
                        "name": "John",
                        "branch": "Brisbane"
                    total: 0
        }, st1, o.eventType, o.action, o.extraParams);
        Portlet2.on("beforehide", function (e) {
                url: '/Data/TestUI',
                method: 'POST',
                cleanRequest: true,
                extraParams: {
                    Id: this.id
        Portlet3.on("beforehide", function (e) {
                url: '/Data/TestUI',
                method: 'POST',
                cleanRequest: true,
                extraParams: {
                    Id: this.id
        Portlet4.on("beforehide", function (e) {
                url: '/Data/TestUI',
                method: 'POST',
                cleanRequest: true,
                extraParams: {
                    Id: this.id
        Portlet5.on("beforehide", function (e) {
                url: '/Data/TestUI',
                method: 'POST',
                cleanRequest: true,
                extraParams: {
                    Id: this.id
        Portlet6.on("beforehide", function (e) {
                url: '/Data/TestUI',
                method: 'POST',
                cleanRequest: true,
                extraParams: {
                    Id: this.id
    Last edited by Daniil; Mar 26, 2012 at 9:48 PM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2

    Is there any error?

    Please try to set up
    for the ResourceManager.
  3. #3
    Thanks Daniil, Well i tried adding SourceFormatting="false" but still nothing is coming inside portlet and no error is coming
  4. #4
    Please note that you cannot use javascript in Html property because browsers doesn't parse javascript from dynamic html (try to add alert instruction to ensure it)
    Use Content of Portlet instead Html

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